George Bernard Shaw Quotes

Text Quotes
Old men are dangerous: it doesn’t matter to them what is going to happen to the world (George Bernard Shaw Quotes)
Once there was a time when all people believed in God and the church ruled. This time is called the Dark Ages. He who can, does. He who cannot teaches. (George Bernard Shaw Quotes)
Sister, you’re trying to keep me alive as an old curiosity, but I’m done, I’m finished, I’m going to die. (George Bernard Shaw Quotes)
The greatest thing in life is to die young - but delay it as long as possible (George Bernard Shaw Quotes)
I can’t control what life did to me, but I can control how I react. Therein lies the difference. (George Bernard Shaw Quotes)
Only fools repeat the same things over and over, expecting to obtain different results (George Bernard Shaw Quotes)
But to admire a strong person and to live under that strong person’s thumb are two different things. (George Bernard Shaw Quotes)
No man who is occupied in doing a very difficult thing, and doing it very well, ever loses his self-respect. (George Bernard Shaw Quotes)
What is life but a series of inspired follies? The difficulty is to find them to do. Never lose a chance: it doesn’t come every day. (George Bernard Shaw Quotes)
Every fool believes what his teachers tell him, and calls his credulity science or morality as confidently as his father called it divine revelation. (George Bernard Shaw Quotes)
Geniuses are horrid, intolerant, easily offended, sleeplessly self-conscious men, who expect their wives to be angels with no further business in life than to pet and worship their husbands. Even at the best they are not comfortable men to live with; and a perfect husband is one who is perfectly comfortable to live with. (George Bernard Shaw Quotes)
You cannot have power for good without having power for evil too. Even mother’s milk nourishes murderers as well as heroes. (George Bernard Shaw Quotes)
A succession of eye-openers each involving the repudiation of some previously held belief (George Bernard Shaw Quotes)
It is the inefficiency and sham of ... our schools ... that save us from being dashed on the rocks of false doctrine instead of drifting down the midstream of mere ignorance. (George Bernard Shaw Quotes)
I have a strong feeling that I shall be glad when I am dead and done for - scrapped at last to make room for somebody better, cleverer, more perfect than myself. (George Bernard Shaw Quotes)
Bible worship, though at its best it may achieve sublimity by keeping its head in the skies, may also make itself both ridiculousand dangerous by having its feet off the ground. (George Bernard Shaw Quotes)
The worst sin toward our fellow creatures is not to hate them, but to be indifferent to them: that’s the essence of inhumanity. (George Bernard Shaw Quotes)
What a heartbreaking job it is trying to combine authors for their own protection... the first lesson I learned was that when you take the field for the authors you will be safer without a breastplate than without a backplate. (George Bernard Shaw Quotes)
This is the true joy of life-the being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one, the being thoroughly worn out before you are thrown to the scrap-heap; the being a force of nature instead of a feverish, selfish clod of ailments and grievances. (George Bernard Shaw Quotes)
All classes in proportion to their lack of travel and familiarity with foreign literature are bellicose, prejudiced against foreigners, fond of fighting as a cruel sport -- in short, dog-like in their notions of foreign policy.[Quoted in Socialism and Foreign Policy and War and the Liberal Conscience] (George Bernard Shaw Quotes)
All my life, affection has been showered upon me, and every forward step I have made has been taken in spite of it (George Bernard Shaw Quotes)
As people get their opinions so largely from the newspapers they read... But the Press is not free, the newspapers are owned by rich men. (George Bernard Shaw Quotes)
All censorships exist to prevent anyone from challenging current conceptions and existing institutions. All progress is initiated by challenging current conceptions, and executed by supplanting existing institutions. Consequently, the first condition of progress is the removal of censorship. (George Bernard Shaw Quotes)
An English army led by an Irish general: that might be a match for a French army led by an Italian general. (George Bernard Shaw Quotes)
The idea of personal salvation is intensely repugnant to me when it is not absurd. Imagine Roosevelt, the big brute, preserving his personality in a future state and swaggering about as a celestial Rough Rider! (George Bernard Shaw Quotes)
My method of getting a play across the footlights is like a revolver shooting: every line has a bullet in it and comes with an explosion. (George Bernard Shaw Quotes)
If women were particular about men’s characters, they would never get married at all (George Bernard Shaw Quotes)
You don’t learn to hold your own in the world by standing on guard, but by attacking, and getting well hammered yourself. (George Bernard Shaw Quotes)
I object to publishers: the one service they have done me is to teach me to do without them. They combine commercial rascality with artistic touchiness and pettishness, without being either good business men or fine judges of literature. (George Bernard Shaw Quotes)
If a woman can, by careful selection of a father and nourishment of herself, produce a citizen with efficient senses, sound organs and a good digestion, she should clearly be secured a sufficient reward for that natural service to make her willing to undertake and repeat it. (George Bernard Shaw Quotes)