George Bush Quotes

Text Quotes
They saw liberty and thought they saw weakness, and now they will see defeat (George Bush Quotes)
George Bush isn’t Hitler. He could be if he applied himself (George Bush Quotes)
What is wrong with George Bush? What is his problem? (George Bush Quotes)
George Bush and his gang imagine they are being political geniuses (George Bush Quotes)
I am a thief, I am a liar, I am George Bush and my son is an asshole (George Bush Quotes)
Lou Gerstner knows how to do a deal, and George Bush Sr., less so (George Bush Quotes)
I’m George Bush. I’m the president (George Bush Quotes)
I love everybody. Even George Bush. (George Bush Quotes)
I’m offended every time I see George Bush on TV! (George Bush Quotes)
George Bush is a fan of mine, he came to see me in the Seventies. His coke dealer brought him. (George Bush Quotes)
I still want to be the candidate for guys with Confederate flags in their pickup trucks. We can’t beat George Bush unless we appeal to a broad cross-section of Democrats. (George Bush Quotes)
If Clinton had only attacked terrorism as much as he attacks George Bush we wouldn’t be in this problem. (George Bush Quotes)
Big news from last night’s Republican debate, you guys. It turns out George Bush was actually the smart Texas governor (George Bush Quotes)
I hear these people saying [Barack Obama]’s like George Bush. Those people ought to be drug tested. I mean, it’s crazy (George Bush Quotes)
Since 1980, there have been 91 breaches of security at the White House. Well, 92 if you count George Bush (George Bush Quotes)
We Americans only voted for George Bush to prove to the British that Americans understand irony. Unfortunately, it kinda backfired (George Bush Quotes)
It’s just that to a lot of British people George Bush represents the worst of all things American. He’s the right-wing Christian crusader, the toxic Texan who refused Kyoto, the poll-cheat eel who undermined democracy on the back of something called ‘chads,’ a notion we’ve never entirely grasped (George Bush Quotes)
George Bush says, ‘Gore’s book needs a lot of explaining.’ Of course, Bush says that about every book (George Bush Quotes)
I do miss George Bush. Compared to these teabaggers and the people who are pandering to them, he looks like a professor (George Bush Quotes)
Now, I’m no doctor, but I am on TV. And in my professional opinion, George Bush is a paranoid schizophrenic (George Bush Quotes)
I’m in favour of religion as a tamer of arrogance. For a Greek Orthodox, the idea of God as creator outside the human is not God in God’s terms. My God isn’t the God of George Bush (George Bush Quotes)
George Bush is not stupid. He’s evil. OK? There’s a huge difference between stupid and evil. (George Bush Quotes)
I tremendously admire, and I think we all should, the great work done by our commander-in-chief, our president, George Bush. (George Bush Quotes)
When John Kerry and Zell Miller and George Bush can agree on an issue, you know it’s got legs (George Bush Quotes)
We’ve had parallel lives. And frankly, I prefer mine to his. I would not like to be George Bush. (George Bush Quotes)
I look forward to standing up and holding George Bush accountable for pushing seniors off of Medicare into HMOs. (George Bush Quotes)
George Bush Junior [George W Bush] was a religious fanatic, and Tony Blair wasn’t far behind in a way. (George Bush Quotes)
The only reason we’re not in Iran now is because we’re going alphabetically and George Bush can’t spell. (George Bush Quotes)
I always thought George Bush was more oblivious than mean, but oblivious can quickly go to mean (George Bush Quotes)
We survived Nixon and Reagan and George Bush, and so we can survive anything that comes along (George Bush Quotes)