George Eliot Quotes

Text Quotes
O the anguish of the thought that we can never atone to our dead for the stinted affection we gave them (George Eliot Quotes)
It is better sometimes not to follow great reformers of abuses beyond the threshold of their homes (George Eliot Quotes)
Do we not all agree to call rapid thought and noble impulse by the name of inspiration? After our subtlest analysis of the mental process, we must still say that our highest thoughts and our best deeds are all given to us (George Eliot Quotes)
It is not true that a man’s intellectual power is, like the strength of a timber beam, to be measured by its weakest point (George Eliot Quotes)
One of the tortures of jealousy is, that it can never turn away its eyes from the thing that pains it (George Eliot Quotes)
I don’t mind how many letters I receive from one who interests me as much as you do. The receptive part of correspondence I can carry on with much alacrity. It is writing answers that I groan over (George Eliot Quotes)
It is pleasant to have a kind word now and then when one is not near enough to have a kind glance or a hearty shake by the hand (George Eliot Quotes)
There’s good chances and bad chances, and nobody’s luck is pulled only by one string (George Eliot Quotes)
I take a dose of mathematics every day to prevent my brain from becoming quite soft (George Eliot Quotes)
Miserliness is a capital quality to run in families; it’s the safe side for madness to dip on (George Eliot Quotes)
It so often happens that others are measuring us by our past self while we are looking back on that self with a mixture of disgust and sorrow (George Eliot Quotes)
I am open to conviction on all points except dinner and debts. I hold that the one must be eaten and the other paid (George Eliot Quotes)
There is so much to read and the days are so short! I get more hungry for knowledge every day, and less able to satisfy my hunger (George Eliot Quotes)
I easily sink into mere absorption of what other minds have done, and should like a whole life for that alone (George Eliot Quotes)
Alas! the scientific conscience had got into the debasing company of money obligation and selfish respects (George Eliot Quotes)
Enveloped in a common mist, we seem to walk in clearness ourselves, and behold only the mist that enshrouds others (George Eliot Quotes)
Men and women make sad mistakes about their own symptoms, taking their vague uneasy longings, sometimes for genius, sometimes for religion, and oftener still for a mighty love (George Eliot Quotes)
People who live at a distance are naturally less faulty than those immediately under our own eyes (George Eliot Quotes)
There are two ways of speaking an audience will always like: one is, to tell them what they don’t understand; and the other is, to tell them what they’re used to (George Eliot Quotes)
You are discontented with the world because you can’t get just the small things that suit your pleasure, not because it’s a world where myriads of men and women are ground by wrong and misery, and tainted with pollution (George Eliot Quotes)
In certain crises direct expression of sympathy is the least possible to those who most feel sympathy (George Eliot Quotes)
A common fallacy: to imagine a measure will be easy because we have private motives for desiring it (George Eliot Quotes)
I love words; they are the quoits, the bows, the staves that furnish the gymnasium of the mind (George Eliot Quotes)
Trouble always seems heavier when it is only one’s thought and not one’s bodily activity that is employed about it (George Eliot Quotes)
My books don’t seem to belong to me after I have once written them; and I find myself delivering opinions about them as if I had nothing to do with them (George Eliot Quotes)
I don’t want the world to give me anything for my books except money enough to save me from the temptation to write only for money (George Eliot Quotes)
The first sense of mutual love excludes other feelings; it will have the soul all to itself (George Eliot Quotes)
There is no sense of ease like the ease we felt in those scenes where we were born (George Eliot Quotes)
... it is because sympathy is but a living again through our own past in a new form, that confession often prompts a response of confession (George Eliot Quotes)
We have all our secret sins; and if we knew ourselves we should not judge each other harshly (George Eliot Quotes)