George H W Bush Quotes

Text Quotes
Never ask anyone over 70 how they feel. They’ll tell you (George H W Bush Quotes)
No generation can escape history (George H W Bush Quotes)
A time of historic change is no time for recklessness (George H W Bush Quotes)
America’s freedom is the example to which the world expires (George H W Bush Quotes)
War is never cheap or easy (George H W Bush Quotes)
America is never wholly herself unless she is engaged in high moral principle. We as a people have such a purpose today. It is to make kinder the face of the nation and gentler the face of the world (George H W Bush Quotes)
I’ll be glad to reply to or dodge your questions, depending on what I think will help our election most (George H W Bush Quotes)
Please don’t ask me to do that which I’ve just said I’m not going to do, because you’re burning up time. The meter is running through the sand on you, and I am now filibustering (George H W Bush Quotes)
We are a nation of communities... a brilliant diversity spread like stars, like a thousand points of light in a broad and peaceful sky (George H W Bush Quotes)
The defense budget is more than a piggy bank for people who want to get busy beating swords into pork barrels (George H W Bush Quotes)
Each of the patriots whom we remember on this day was first a beloved son or daughter, a brother or sister, or a spouse, friend, and neighbor (George H W Bush Quotes)
If the people were to ever find out what we have done, we would be chased down the streets and lynched (George H W Bush Quotes)
This is a fact: Strength in the pursuit of peace is no vice; isolation in the pursuit of security is no virtue (George H W Bush Quotes)
People must be free to work, to save, to own their own home, to take risks, to invest in each other and, in essence, to control their own lives (George H W Bush Quotes)
The anchor in our world today is freedom, holding us steady in times of change, a symbol of hope to all the world (George H W Bush Quotes)
International exchanges are not a great tide to sweep away all differences, but they will slowly wear away at the obstacles to peace as surely as water wears away a hard stone (George H W Bush Quotes)
The only time I had any butterflies was when I stood up and backed toward the open door and looked down (George H W Bush Quotes)
Competence is a narrow ideal. Competence makes the trains run on time but doesn’t know where they’re going (George H W Bush Quotes)
I do not mistrust the future; I do not fear what is ahead. For our problems are large, but our heart is larger (George H W Bush Quotes)
There are singular moments in history, dates that divide all that goes before from all that comes after (George H W Bush Quotes)
You got to wrestle with your conscience. You got to listen to people. It doesn’t come so easy to me that this is right and that’s wrong. It’s never that simple (George H W Bush Quotes)
We don’t think of ourselves as a dynasty. I really hope some of my grandkids will be actively involved in politics (George H W Bush Quotes)
Competence is the creed of the technocrat who makes sure the gears mesh but doesn’t for a second understand the magic of the machine (George H W Bush Quotes)
But let me tell you, this gender thing is history. You’re looking at a guy who sat down with Margaret Thatcher across the table and talked about serious issues (George H W Bush Quotes)
One of the good things about the way the Gulf War ended in 1991 is, you’d see the Vietnam veterans marching with the Gulf War veterans (George H W Bush Quotes)
The U. S. S. George H. W. Bush is a great thing in my life. It’s amazing. A great honor (George H W Bush Quotes)
We can realise a lasting peace and transform the East-West relationship to one of enduring co-operation (George H W Bush Quotes)
We know what works. Freedom Works. We know what’s right. Freedom is right (George H W Bush Quotes)
Well, I think everybody is frustrated by the finances of the U. N. and the inability to solve problems of war and peace (George H W Bush Quotes)
You cannot be President of the United States if you don’t have faith. Remember Lincoln, going to his knees in times of trial in the Civil War and all that stuff (George H W Bush Quotes)