George H W Bush Quotes

Text Quotes
South Carolina put George H.W. Bush into the White House, But George W. Bush into the White House and sent Jeb Bush back to Miami. (George H W Bush Quotes)
Convention speeches are powerful tools to bend the curve of public opinion. George H. W. Bush’s 1988 convention speech is a great example. His son’s speech was also quite powerful. (George H W Bush Quotes)
I can tell you this: If I’m ever in a position to call the shots, I’m not going to rush to send somebody else’s kids into a war. (George H W Bush Quotes)
We are not here to enjoy the things on earth, but to pass them around. The people who do it are the happiest people you know! (George H W Bush Quotes)
I have opinions of my own, strong opinions, but I don’t always agree with them (George H W Bush Quotes)
We love your adherence to democratic principles and to the democratic process (George H W Bush Quotes)
This will not stand, this aggression against Kuwait (George H W Bush Quotes)
My dog Millie knows more about foreign affairs than these two bozos (George H W Bush Quotes)
A line has been drawn in the sand (George H W Bush Quotes)
We've kicked the Vietnam syndrome once and for all! (George H W Bush Quotes)
Don't try to fine tune someone else's view (George H W Bush Quotes)
I try to hold my charisma in check (George H W Bush Quotes)
We are enjoying sluggish times and not enjoying them very much (George H W Bush Quotes)
We sue each other too much and care for each other too little (George H W Bush Quotes)
Let the others have the charisma. I've got the class (George H W Bush Quotes)
You have to understand that people that are hurting are going to criticize (George H W Bush Quotes)
Think about every problem, every challenge, we face. The solution to each starts with education (George H W Bush Quotes)
Never answer a hypothetical question. It gets you beyond where you want to be (George H W Bush Quotes)
A good country song taps into strong undercurrents of family, faith, and patriotism (George H W Bush Quotes)
Ageing’s alright, better than the alternative, which is not being here (George H W Bush Quotes)
I think in defeat you grope for things that are happy, and it’s hard (George H W Bush Quotes)
The longer our graduation lines are today, the shorter our unemployment lines will be tomorrow (George H W Bush Quotes)
It just isn't going to work, and it's very interesting that the man who invested this type of what I call a voodoo economic policy (George H W Bush Quotes)
You don't have to go to college to be a success... We need the people who run the offices, the people who do the hard physical work of our society (George H W Bush Quotes)
I count my blessings for the fact I don't have to go into that pit that John Major stands in, nose to nose with the opposition, all yelling at each other (George H W Bush Quotes)
I will never apologize for the United States - I don't care what the facts are... I'm not an apologize for America kind of guy (George H W Bush Quotes)
We must act on what we know. I take as my guide the hope of a saint: In crucial things, unity; in important things, diversity; in all things, generosity (George H W Bush Quotes)
The American people await action. They didn't send us here to bicker. They ask us to rise above the merely partisan. In crucial things, unity - and this, my friends, is crucial (George H W Bush Quotes)
A President is neither prince nor pope, and I don't seek a window on men's souls. In fact, I yearn for a greater tolerance, an easy goingness about each other's attitudes and way of life (George H W Bush Quotes)
The biggest thing that has happened in the world in my life, in our lives, is this: By the grace of God, america won the Cold War (George H W Bush Quotes)