George Herbert Quotes

Text Quotes
It is better to have wings then hornes (George Herbert Quotes)
It is good to hold the asse by the bridle (George Herbert Quotes)
It’s a wicked thing to make a dearth ones garner (George Herbert Quotes)
It’s absurd to warme one in his armour (George Herbert Quotes)
It’s an ill aire where wee gaine nothing (George Herbert Quotes)
It’s good tying the sack before it be full (George Herbert Quotes)
It’s good walking with a horse in ones hand (George Herbert Quotes)
It’s not good fishing before the net (George Herbert Quotes)
Knowledge is no burden (George Herbert Quotes)
Knowledge makes one laugh, but wealth makes one dance (George Herbert Quotes)
Law sutes consume time, and mony, and rest, and friends (George Herbert Quotes)
Lawyers houses are built on the heads of fooles (George Herbert Quotes)
Leave jesting whiles it pleaseth, lest it turne to earnest (George Herbert Quotes)
Let none say, I will not drinke water (George Herbert Quotes)
Litle stickes kindle the fire; great ones put it out (George Herbert Quotes)
Little journeys and good cost bring safe home (George Herbert Quotes)
Little losses amaze, great tame (George Herbert Quotes)
Long jesting was never good (George Herbert Quotes)
Love and businesse teach eloquence (George Herbert Quotes)
Love is not found in the market (George Herbert Quotes)
Love is the true price of love (George Herbert Quotes)
Love makes a good eye squint (George Herbert Quotes)
Modesty sets off one newly come to honour (George Herbert Quotes)
Much spends the traveller, more then the abider (George Herbert Quotes)
Neither bribe nor loose thy right (George Herbert Quotes)
Neither eyes on letters, nor hands in coffers (George Herbert Quotes)
Never was strumpet faire (George Herbert Quotes)
No barber shaves so close but another finds worke (George Herbert Quotes)
No day so clear but hath dark clouds (George Herbert Quotes)
No hair so small but hath his shadow (George Herbert Quotes)