George Herbert Quotes

Text Quotes
Souldiers in peace are like chimneys in summer (George Herbert Quotes)
Speake not of a dead man at the table (George Herbert Quotes)
Still fisheth he that catcheth one (George Herbert Quotes)
Take heed of credit decaid, and people that have nothing (George Herbert Quotes)
Take heed of foul dirty wayes, and long sicknesse (George Herbert Quotes)
Take heed of mad folks in a narrow place (George Herbert Quotes)
Take heede of the viniger of sweet wine (George Herbert Quotes)
Talking payes no toll (George Herbert Quotes)
That is not good language which all understand not (George Herbert Quotes)
That which sufficeth is not little (George Herbert Quotes)
That which two will, takes effect (George Herbert Quotes)
The beast that goes alwaies never wants blowes (George Herbert Quotes)
The bird loves her nest (George Herbert Quotes)
The bit that one eates, no friend makes (George Herbert Quotes)
The body is more drest then the soule (George Herbert Quotes)
The charges of building and making of gardens are unknowne (George Herbert Quotes)
The chiefe boxe of health is time (George Herbert Quotes)
The cholerick man never wants woe (George Herbert Quotes)
The comforters head never akes (George Herbert Quotes)
The command of custome is great (George Herbert Quotes)
The crow bewailes the sheepe, and then eates it (George Herbert Quotes)
The dog gnawes the bone because he cannot swallow it (George Herbert Quotes)
The evening praises the day, and the morning a frost (George Herbert Quotes)
The eye will have his part (George Herbert Quotes)
The fault is as great as hee that is faulty (George Herbert Quotes)
The fault of the horse is put on the saddle (George Herbert Quotes)
The faulty stands on his guard (George Herbert Quotes)
The filth under the white snow, the sunne discovers (George Herbert Quotes)
The first and last frosts are the worst (George Herbert Quotes)
The first blow is as much as two (George Herbert Quotes)