George Herbert Quotes

Text Quotes
God complaines not, but doth what is fitting (George Herbert Quotes)
Good and quickly seldome meete (George Herbert Quotes)
Good is God, but better carries it (George Herbert Quotes)
Good is the mora that makes all sure (George Herbert Quotes)
Good is to bee sought out, and evill attended (George Herbert Quotes)
Good land, evill way (George Herbert Quotes)
Good service is a great inchantment (George Herbert Quotes)
Good words quench more then a bucket of water (George Herbert Quotes)
Goods are theirs that enjoy them (George Herbert Quotes)
Gossips are frogs, they drinke and talke (George Herbert Quotes)
Great strokes make not sweete musick (George Herbert Quotes)
Great trees are good for nothing but shade (George Herbert Quotes)
Greene wood makes a hott fire (George Herbert Quotes)
Happie is hee that chastens himselfe (George Herbert Quotes)
Harken to reason or shee will bee heard (George Herbert Quotes)
Hast comes not alone (George Herbert Quotes)
He cannot be vertuous that is not rigorous (George Herbert Quotes)
He complaines wrongfully on the sea that twice suffers shipwrack (George Herbert Quotes)
He lives unsafely, that lookes too neere on things (George Herbert Quotes)
He quits his place well, that leaves his friend there (George Herbert Quotes)
Least at thine own things laugh (George Herbert Quotes)
Lord! who hath praise enough? (George Herbert Quotes)
The fish adores the bait (George Herbert Quotes)
Beauty drawes more then oxen (George Herbert Quotes)
Health without money is halfe an ague (George Herbert Quotes)
Money wants no followers (George Herbert Quotes)
The love of money and the love of learning rarely meet (George Herbert Quotes)
To have money is a feare, not to have it a griefe (George Herbert Quotes)
Couldst thou both eat thy cake and have it? (George Herbert Quotes)
A child correct behind and not before (George Herbert Quotes)