George Quotes

Text Quotes
We’re half an hour from Toronto, which offers everything you could want from a city, and a couple of hours from beautiful vacation country. We have it all here, plus George W. Bush is not our president. (George Quotes)
Though I respect hugely the effort and the care and the beauty of games, I want to be working with people who want to create the ‘War and Peace’ of games, the ‘Citizen Kane’ of games, and not just be warming up George Romero. (George Quotes)
George Carlin is brilliant with words, and Johnny Winters is very creative. It’s taking something common and drawing out the humor, being clever with words. (George Quotes)
I can’t speak for George, but I pretty damn well know we got fed up of being sidemen for Paul (George Quotes)
I remember when President Bush, George W. Bush, came into office, he focused on No Child Left Behind, and with - and before very long, suddenly, Republicans were thought of as being as interested and as competent in education as Democrats, and why? Because they were talking about it and doing something about it. (George Quotes)
No doubt the ridiculous politicians are right to like politics. They have found careers in which success can be achieved by being ridiculous. Imagine Jimmy Carter or George W. Bush rising to the top of any other profession. (George Quotes)
You know, when George Bush talks about freedom not being America’s gift to world but God’s gift to all humankind, it smells like market testing to me. (George Quotes)
I’m not from a political family and didn’t grow up dreaming of being George Washington. I started working in 8th grade and have held every odd job possible - working in a gravel pit, weighing big wheelers, ticket sales, data base management - but I knew if I worked hard and got experience, I could apply that experience to my next endeavor. (George Quotes)
Leigh [Bowery] affected a posh English voice and elongated his vowels, and you never knew if he was being sincere or mocking you. If I ever commented on one of his outfits he would snip, Oh, thank you, Mr. Boy George. I do value your opinion. And then he would spin and make some ridiculous noise and mince off. (George Quotes)
George W. Bush is a leader, and that’s what we need in the White House. George Bush is someone you can believe and trust. (George Quotes)
What is it that unites, on the left of British politics, George Orwell, Billy Bragg, Gordon Brown and myself? An understanding that identity and a sense of belonging need to be linked to our commitment to nationhood and a modern form of patriotism. (George Quotes)
People have always said - those words, ‘too conservative,’ is fairly relative. I’m sure that they probably said that about Thomas Jefferson and George Washington and Benjamin Franklin. (George Quotes)
Rees’s First Law of Quotations: When in doubt, ascribe all quotations to George Bernard Shaw (George Quotes)
George Bernard Shaw said that thinking was the greatest of all human endeavors, but I would say that feeling was. Allowing yourself to feel things, to feel love or wrath, hatred, rage. (George Quotes)
When Jennie, mother of Winston Churchill invited playwright George Bernard Shaw to lunch, he telegraphed: Certainly not. What have I done to provoke such an attack on my well-known habits? She replied, Know nothing of your habits; hope they are better than your manners. (George Quotes)
While browsing in a second-hand bookshop one day, George Bernard Shaw was amused to find a copy of one of his own works which he himself had inscribed for a friend: To ----, with esteem, George Bernard Shaw. He immediately purchased the book and returned it to the friend with a second inscription: With renewed esteem, George Bernard Shaw. (George Quotes)
P.G. Wodehouse was a huge influence on me when I was younger, as were Edgar Rice Burroughs and George Bernard Shaw. (George Quotes)
Man and Superman,’ first performed in 1905, is by common consent one of George Bernard Shaw’s greatest and most significant plays, yet hardly anybody performs it today, for the understandable reason that an uncut performance runs for about five hours. (George Quotes)
There have been a few players described as the new George Best over the years, but this is the first time its been a compliment to me. (George Quotes)
My professional and human obsession is the nature of language, and my best relationships are with other writers. In many ways, I know George Eliot better than I know my husband. (George Quotes)
For much of the twentieth century, 1984 was a year that belonged to the future - a strange, gray future at that. Then it slid painlessly into the past, like any other year. Big Brother arrived and settled in, though not at all in the way George Orwell had imagined. (George Quotes)
I’ll never be the biggest kind of star; I’ll be like Bob Duvall, respected as an actor but a lot of people can’t identify the face. I don’t have the personality of a big star, or the looks of a Mel Gibson or a Paul Newman, or the style of a George C. Scott. (George Quotes)
Worship leader George Beverly Shea kidded Billy Graham that the latter would be unemployed in Heaven -- while Shea would still have a job leading worship. (George Quotes)
Black Americans are the only people in history who are for education instead of liberation. George Washington wasn’t beating up on British for the right to open a college! The line isn’t Give me education or give me death. (George Quotes)
The problem with relegating black history to one really short month, the shortest month, is not only are we telling the same stories over and over again - which are amazing, George Washington Carver is incredible, there’s nobody like Frederick Douglass - but there are so many. (George Quotes)
Kidney disease is a low-profile, unglamorous problem, a disease that disproportionately strikes minorities and the poor. Its celebrity spokesman is blue-collar comedian George Lopez, who received a kidney from his wife. (George Quotes)
I am very much inspired by the great masters of entertainment: Bob Hope, George Burns, Jimmy Durante - who never thought about retiring. When people ask me if I plan to retire, I say, Retire to what? I am doing what I love best right now! (George Quotes)
For many, the recent disclosure of massive warrantless surveillance programs of all citizens by the Obama administration has brought back memories of George Orwell’s 1984.’ Another Orwell book seems more apt as the White House and its allies try to contain the scandal: ‘Animal Farm.’ (George Quotes)
I don’t gamble anymore since I had a kid. I have fun in Vegas. I see shows, Cirque du Soleil. Don Rickles was in town last time I was there. I’ll have lunch with George Wallace. I just look in the Weekly calendar and see who’s performing, and inevitably, we all meet up late night at one of the casinos. Jesus, I sound boring. (George Quotes)
One thing I can say about George... he may not be able to keep a job, but he’s not boring. (George Quotes)