George Santayana Quotes

Text Quotes
The best men in all ages keep classic traditions alive (George Santayana Quotes)
Man’s most serious activity is play (George Santayana Quotes)
Beware of long arguments and long beards (George Santayana Quotes)
Since barbarism has its pleasures it naturally has its apologists (George Santayana Quotes)
The living have never shown me how to live (George Santayana Quotes)
Philosophers are as jealous as women. Each wants a monopoly of praise (George Santayana Quotes)
He gave the world another world (George Santayana Quotes)
Sanity is madness put to good uses (George Santayana Quotes)
Man is as full of potentiality as he is of impotence (George Santayana Quotes)
We go right enough, darling, if we go wrong together! (George Santayana Quotes)
A fanatical imagination cannot regard God as just unless he is represented as infinitely cruel (George Santayana Quotes)
Animals are born and bred in litters. Solitude grows blessed and peaceful only in old age (George Santayana Quotes)
Poetry is an attenuation, a rehandling, an echo of crude experience; it is itself a theoretic vision of things at arm’s length (George Santayana Quotes)
The only kind of reform usually possible is reform from within; a more intimate study and more intelligent use of the traditional forms (George Santayana Quotes)
I believe in the possibility of happiness, if one cultivates intuition and outlives the grosser passions, including optimism (George Santayana Quotes)
The mediocrity of everything in the great world of today is simply appalling. We live in intellectual slums (George Santayana Quotes)
Towers in a modern town are a frill and a survival; they seem like the raised hands of the various churches, afraid of being overlooked, and saying to the forgetful public, here I am! Or perhaps they are rival lightning rods, saying to the emanations of divine grace, please strike here! (George Santayana Quotes)
The God to whom depth in philosophy bring back men’s minds is far from being the same from whom a little philosophy estranges them (George Santayana Quotes)
For Shakespeare, in the matter of religion, the choice lay between Christianity and nothing. He chose nothing (George Santayana Quotes)
The Fates, like an absent-minded printer, seldom allow a single line to stand perfect and unmarred (George Santayana Quotes)
Art supplies constantly to contemplation what nature seldom affords in concrete experience - the union of life and peace. (George Santayana Quotes) in love the heart surrenders itself entirely to the one being known how to touch it. That being is not selected but recognized and obeyed. (George Santayana Quotes)
Not to believe in love is a great sign of dullness. There are some people so indirect and lumbering that they think all real affection rests on circumstantial evidence. (George Santayana Quotes)
Do not have evil-doers for friends, do not have low people for friends: have virtuous people for friends, have for friends the best of men. (George Santayana Quotes)
Photography at first was asked to do nothing but embalm our best smiles for the benefit of our friends and our best clothes for the amusement of posterity. Neither thing lasts, and photography came as a welcome salve to keep those precious, if slightly ridiculous, things a little longer in the world. (George Santayana Quotes)
The muffled syllables that Nature speaksFill us with deeper longing for her word; She hides a meaning that the spirit seeks,She makes a sweeter music than is heard. (George Santayana Quotes)
The mass of mankind is divided into two classes, the Sancho Panza’s who have a sense for reality, but no ideals, and the Don Quixote’s with a sense for ideals, but mad. (George Santayana Quotes)
Prayer is not a substitute for work; it is an effort to work further and be efficient beyond the range of one’s powers. (George Santayana Quotes)
Those who cannot remember the pastare condemned to repeat it. or: Those who have never heard of good system development practice are condemned to reinvent it. (George Santayana Quotes)
The dreamer can know no truth, not even about his dream, except by awaking out of it (George Santayana Quotes)