George W Bush Quotes

Text Quotes
I respect every soldier, from every country, who serves beside us in the hard work of history. America is grateful, and America will not forget (George W Bush Quotes)
Our enemies have made the mistake that America’s enemies always make. They saw liberty and thought they saw weakness. And now, they see defeat (George W Bush Quotes)
These stories about my intellectual capacity really get under my skin. You know, for a while I even thought my staff believed it. There on my schedule first thing every morning it said, ‘Intelligence Briefing.’ (George W Bush Quotes)
I ask you to uphold the values of America and remember why so many have come here. We’re in a fight for our principles, and our first responsibility is to live by them. No one should be singled out for unfair treatment or unkind words because of their ethnic background or religious faith (George W Bush Quotes)
We really don’t need the United Nations approval to act. When it comes to our security, we do not need anyones permission (George W Bush Quotes)
It appears to be a re-run of a bad movie. [Iraqi President Saddam Hussein] is delaying. He’s deceiving. He’s asking for time. He’s playing hide-and-seek with inspectors. One thing is for certain - he’s not disarming (George W Bush Quotes)
We are learning more as we interrogate or have discussions with Iraqi scientists and people within the Iraqi structure, that perhaps he destroyed some, perhaps he dispersed some. And so we will find them (George W Bush Quotes)
The United States and Israel have enjoyed a friendship built on mutual respect and commitment to democratic principles. Our continuing search for peace in the Middle East begins with a recognition that the ties uniting our two countries can never be broken (George W Bush Quotes)
The liberation of Iraq is a crucial advance in the campaign against terror. We’ve removed an ally of al Qaeda (George W Bush Quotes)
I’m a war president. I make decisions here in the Oval Office and foreign policy matters with war on my mind (George W Bush Quotes)
I want him [Saddam Hussein]. I want - I want justice. There is an old poster seen out west. As I recall, it said, Wanted Dead or Alive (George W Bush Quotes)
Today the Justice Department did issue a blanket alert. It was in recognition of a general threat we received. This is not the first time the Justice Department have acted like this. I hope it is the last. But given the attitude of the evildoers, it may not be (George W Bush Quotes)
I’ve got God’s shoulder to cry on. And I cry a lot. I do a lot of crying in this job. I’ll bet I’ve shed more tears than you can count, as president (George W Bush Quotes)
I’ve reminded the prime minister-the American people, Mr. Prime Minister, over the past months that it was not always a given that the United States and America would have a close relationship (George W Bush Quotes)
One of the common denominators I have found is that expectations rise above that which is expected (George W Bush Quotes)
I like my buddies from west Texas. I liked them when I was young, I liked them then I was middle-age, I liked them before I was president, and I like them during president, and I like them after president (George W Bush Quotes)
If people want to get to know me better, they’ve got to know my parents and the values my parents instilled in me, and the fact that I was raised in West Texas, in the middle of the desert, a long way away from anywhere, hardly. There’s a certain set of values you learn in that experience (George W Bush Quotes)
They’ve seen me make decisions, they’ve seen me under trying times, they’ve seen me weep, they’ve seen me laugh, they’ve seen me hug. And they know who I am, and I believe they’re comfortable with the fact that they know I’m not going to shift principles or shift positions based upon polls and focus groups (George W Bush Quotes)
I mean, there was a serious international effort to say to Saddam Hussein, you’re a threat. And the 9/11 attacks extenuated that threat, as far as I-concerned (George W Bush Quotes)
I am mindful of the difference between the executive branch and the legislative branch. I assured all four of these leaders that I know the difference, and that difference is they pass the laws and I execute them (George W Bush Quotes)
People have access to health care in America. After all, you just go to an emergency room (George W Bush Quotes)
I began my first Cabinet meeting since the terrorist attacks. As I stepped into the room, the team broke out in sustained applause. I was surprised, and I choked up at their heartfelt support. The tears flowed for the second time in two days (George W Bush Quotes)
If you’re a single mother with two children, which is the toughest job in America as far as I’m concerned, and you’re working hard to put food on your family (George W Bush Quotes)
Free market capitalism is far more than economic theory. It is the engine of social mobility-the highway to the American Dream (George W Bush Quotes)
Wall Street got drunk and now it’s got a hangover. And the question is, how long will it sober up and not try to do those fancy financial instruments? (George W Bush Quotes)
I saw a poll that said the right track/wrong track in Iraq was better than here in America. It’s pretty darn strong. I mean, the people see a better future (George W Bush Quotes)
Coalition forces have encountered serious violence in some areas of Iraq. Our military commanders report that this violence is being insticated by three groups (George W Bush Quotes)
There may be some tough times here in America. But this country has gone through tough times before, and we’re going to do it again (George W Bush Quotes)
You’re free. And freedom is beautiful. And, you know, it’ll take time to restore chaos and order - order out of chaos. But we will (George W Bush Quotes)
They [terrorists] are trying to evoke sympathy for themselves. They’re not sympathetic people. They’re violent, cold-blooded killers who are trying to stop the advance of freedom (George W Bush Quotes)