George W Bush Quotes

Text Quotes
There’s no question that the minute I got elected, the storm clouds on the horizon were getting nearly directly overhead (George W Bush Quotes)
I came to this office to solve problems and not pass them on to future presidents and future generations (George W Bush Quotes)
I’m sure something will pop into my head here in the midst of this press conference, with all the pressure of trying to come up with an answer, but it hadn’t yet (George W Bush Quotes)
We do not know how much our climate could or will change in the future. We do not know how fast change will occur or even how some of our actions could impact it (George W Bush Quotes)
More seldom than not, the movies gives us exquisite sex and wholesome violence, that underscores our values. Every two child did. I will (George W Bush Quotes)
America was targeted for attack because we’re the brightest beacon for freedom and opportunity in the world, and no one will keep that light from shining (George W Bush Quotes)
... for those of us who lived through these events, the only marker we’ll ever need is the tick of a clock at the 46th minute of the eighth hour of the 11th day (George W Bush Quotes)
It is no accident that the rise of so many democracies took place in a time when the world’s most influential nation was itself a democracy (George W Bush Quotes)
Out of 135 criminals, including robbers and rapists, 118 admitted that when they were children they burned, hanged and stabbed domestic animals (George W Bush Quotes)
You’ve just got to do what you think is right, and just make the decisions based upon noble causes. And a noble cause is peace and security and freedom (George W Bush Quotes)
The greatest power of freedom is to overcome hatred and violence, and turn the creative gifts of men and women to the pursuits of peace (George W Bush Quotes)
The easiest time to be faithful is during a time of crisis. The hardest time for faith is when all is well (George W Bush Quotes)
By computerizing health records, we can avoid dangerous medical mistakes, reduce costs, and improve care (George W Bush Quotes)
We increased expenses, particularly in two areas: the military. If I put somebody in harm’s way, they’re going to get the best, as far as I’m concerned (George W Bush Quotes)
The fingers and toes and beating hearts that we can see on an unborn child’s ultrasound come with something that we cannot see: a soul (George W Bush Quotes)
We must take the battle to the enemy, disrupt his plans, and confront the worst threats before they emerge (George W Bush Quotes)
And one thing we want during this war on terror is for people to feel like their life’s moving on, that they’re able to make a living and send their kids to college and put more money on the table (George W Bush Quotes)
But we cannot allow weapons of mass destruction to fall into the hands of terrorists. I will not allow that to happen (George W Bush Quotes)
But I have no desire for fame and power anymore. I crawled out of the swamp and I’m not crawling back in (George W Bush Quotes)
We favor a strong nonproliferation program that emphasizes diplomacy, reliance on multilateral regimes, controls on nuclear materials, and cooperative nuclear threat reduction (George W Bush Quotes)
It’s exciting; I don’t know whether I’m going to win or not. I think I am. I do know I’m ready for the job. And, if not, that’s just the way it goes (George W Bush Quotes)
If there is a leak out of my administration, I want to know who it is. And if the person has violated the law, the person will be taken care of (George W Bush Quotes)
The bond between mothers and their children is one defined by love. As a mother’s prayers for her children are unending, so are the wisdom, grace, and strength they provide to their children (George W Bush Quotes)
In this job, there are some simple pleasures that really help you cope. One is books, I mean, books are a great escape. Books are a way to get your mind on something else (George W Bush Quotes)
And I am an optimistic person. I guess if you want to try to find something to be pessimistic about, you can find it, no matter how hard you look, you know? (George W Bush Quotes)
No matter how advanced our economy might be, no matter how sophisticated our equipment becomes, for the foreseeable future we will still depend on fossil fuels (George W Bush Quotes)
I wanted to make sure the last chapters of my life were full, and painting, it turns out, has helped occupy not only space but opened my mind (George W Bush Quotes)
The notion of democracy beginning to emerge scares the ideologues, the totalitarians, those who want to impose their vision. It just frightens them (George W Bush Quotes)
In my judgment, the only way to deal with terrorists is to stay on the offensive, is to find them and bring them to justice before they hurt us again (George W Bush Quotes)
We believe in peace. We strongly believe in freedom. Where we see suffering we will help. And rather than try to offset a nation, why not join nations together to achieve kind of big objectives? (George W Bush Quotes)