Gerard Manley Hopkins Quotes
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Text Quotes
God?is so great that all things give him glory if you mean they should (Gerard Manley Hopkins Quotes)
We have him [God] before our eyes, masked in the sacred Host (Gerard Manley Hopkins Quotes)
Do you know, a horrible thing has happened to me. I have begun to doubt Tennyson (Gerard Manley Hopkins Quotes)
It is a happy thing that there is no royal road to poetry. The world should know by this time that one cannot reach Parnassus except by flying thither (Gerard Manley Hopkins Quotes)
I always knew in my heart Walt Whitman’s mind to be more like my own than any other man’s living. As he is a very great scoundrel this is not a pleasant confession (Gerard Manley Hopkins Quotes)
The world is charged with the grandeur of God. It will flame out, like shining from shook foil; It gathers to a greatness, like the ooze of oil Crushed (Gerard Manley Hopkins Quotes)
Mine, o thou lord of life, send my roots rain (Gerard Manley Hopkins Quotes)
There lives the dearest freshness deep down things (Gerard Manley Hopkins Quotes)
Summer ends now; now, barbarous in beauty, the Stooks arise Around; up above, what wind-walks! what lovely behavior Of silk-sack clouds! Has wilder, willful-waiver Meal-drift molded ever and melted across skies? (Gerard Manley Hopkins Quotes)
I wake and feel the fell of dark, not day. What hours, O what black hours we have spent This night! (Gerard Manley Hopkins Quotes)
I do not think I have ever seen anything more beautiful than the bluebell I have been looking at. I know the beauty of our Lord by it (Gerard Manley Hopkins Quotes)
What is all this juice and all this joy? (Gerard Manley Hopkins Quotes)
Look at the stars! Look, look up at the skies! Oh look at all the fire-folk sitting in the air! The bright boroughs, the circle-citadels there! (Gerard Manley Hopkins Quotes)
Life death all does end and each day dies with sleep (Gerard Manley Hopkins Quotes)
What you look at hard seems to look at you (Gerard Manley Hopkins Quotes)
Searching nature I taste self but at one tankard, that of my own being (Gerard Manley Hopkins Quotes)
It kills me to be time’s eunuch and never to beget (Gerard Manley Hopkins Quotes)
What I do is me, for that I came (Gerard Manley Hopkins Quotes)
Because the Holy Ghost over the bent World broods with warm breast and with ah! bright wings (Gerard Manley Hopkins Quotes)
The Indian gods are imposing, the Greek gods are not. Indeed they are not brave, not self-controlled, they have no manners, they are not gentlemen and ladies (Gerard Manley Hopkins Quotes)
Beauty is a relation, and the apprehension of it a comparison (Gerard Manley Hopkins Quotes)
Even with one companion ecstasy is almost banished (Gerard Manley Hopkins Quotes)
ELECTED Silence, sing to me And beat upon my whorlèd ear, Pipe me to pastures still and be The music that I care to hear. (Gerard Manley Hopkins Quotes)
That piecemeal peace is poor peace. What pure peace allows Alarms of wars, the daunting wars, the death of it? (Gerard Manley Hopkins Quotes)
Crystal sincerity hath found no shelter but in a fool’s cap (Gerard Manley Hopkins Quotes)
The poetical language of an age should be the current language heightened (Gerard Manley Hopkins Quotes)
Your personal boundaries protect the inner core of your identity and your right to choices (Gerard Manley Hopkins Quotes)
The effect of studying masterpieces is to make me admire and do otherwise (Gerard Manley Hopkins Quotes)
The male quality is the creative gift (Gerard Manley Hopkins Quotes)
I find myself both as man and as myself something more determined and distinctive, at pitch, more distinctive and higher pitched than anything else I see (Gerard Manley Hopkins Quotes)
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