German People Quotes
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Text Quotes
Only the language of civilized people may be spoken, thus no German (German People Quotes)
[Donald Trump] borrows money from all kinds of people around the world, including more than $100 million from a German bank now under federal investigation. (German People Quotes)
Better extirpate the whole breed, root and branch. And this, unless the German people come to their senses, is what we propose to do (German People Quotes)
If you want to judge the performance of the Egyptian people by the standards of German or Chinese or American culture, then there is no room for judgment. (German People Quotes)
Of course, as a German, I wouldn’t like to tell the American people how to handle their criminal justice. (German People Quotes)
If you are in Holland, be careful not to say tomorrow that you don’t like French, German or Swedish food or people, you could be called a racist. (German People Quotes)
Freedom from militarism will give the German people the opportunity, if they will but seize it, to apply their great energies and abilities to the works of peace. (German People Quotes)
But in the great hour Heaven sent the German people a great man, Herr von Cuno (German People Quotes)
I wanna thank the German people for the incredible partnership that our countries have been able to establish all these years. (German People Quotes)
Germany is a nation that created an enormous amount of suffering on the planet. The German people also themselves have suffered, because it always goes together (German People Quotes)
The German birthrate is below replacement levels, meaning the population is shrinking, meaning fewer and fewer people of age to join the labor force. (German People Quotes)
Religion is the opium of the people translated from the German Die Religion ... ist das Opium des Volkessometimes misquoted as opiate of the people. (German People Quotes)
German people get very uptight if you mention World War II. Germans today feel that what’s past is past, new generations don’t really remember it. (German People Quotes)
The quality of the Neues Museum’s construction is extraordinary even by German standards, and people can smell that quality. The concept would not have been so convincing without it. (German People Quotes)
The German people are an orderly, vain, deeply sentimental and rather insensitive people. They seem to feel at their best when they are singing in chorus, saluting or obeying orders. (German People Quotes)
Not justified - but Himmler told me that if the Jews were not exterminated at that time, then the German people would be exterminated for all time by the Jews. (German People Quotes)
I can say to the German people that the United States has been good for Germany. Has looked out for Germany. Has provided security for Germany. Has helped rebuilt Germany. And unify Germany. (German People Quotes)
Look at Chancellor [Angela] Merkel, her personal story helps to tell a story of incredible achievement that the German people have embarked on and I think is something that you should be very proud of. (German People Quotes)
If the German people lay down their arms the whole of Eastern and Southern Europe, together with the Reich, will come under Russian occupation. Behind an iron curtain mass butcheries of people would begin (German People Quotes)
It is almost certain that we will fail. But how will future history judge the German people, if not even a handful of men had the courage to put an end to that criminal? (German People Quotes)
A very considerable body of the German people live in America and propose to fight that Government. Bourke in his great speech last week welcoming the Belgian mission to Boston worked out the President’s meaning with care (German People Quotes)
The Austrians are brilliant people. They made the world believe that Hitler was a German and Beethoven an Austrian (German People Quotes)
The great virtues of the German people have created more evils than idleness ever did vices (German People Quotes)
When I was younger, I used to hate Germany. I hated the country, the people, the language, the culture, everything! But over the years I’ve grown to really appreciate the German people (German People Quotes)
God gave the savior to the German people. We have faith, deep and unshakeable faith, that he [Hitler] was sent to us by God to save Germany (German People Quotes)
When people say that German or any other language is romantic... all they really mean is that they’ve enjoyed a past in the language (German People Quotes)
German people are essentially pacifists. Many still remember the experience of World War II. And they may not have seen Saddam Hussein as evil a person as a lot of other people have (German People Quotes)
German economic salvation has been brought about solely through the efforts of the German people and the experience they have gained. Countries abroad have contributed nothing to this (German People Quotes)
Hitlers come and go, but Germany and the German people remain (German People Quotes)
Most people have no imagination. If they could imagine the sufferings of others, they would not make them suffer so. What separated a German mother from a French mother? (German People Quotes)
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