Gertrude Stein Quotes
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Eating too much meat gives you indigestion and evil thoughts make you eat too much meat (Gertrude Stein Quotes)
The first hope of a painter who feels hopeful about painting is the hope that the painting will move, that it will live outside its frame (Gertrude Stein Quotes)
Men... are so conservative, so selfish, so boresome, and... they are so ugly, and... they aregullible, anybody can convince them (Gertrude Stein Quotes)
... to know what one knows is frightening to live what one lives is soothing and though everybody likes to be frightened what they really have to have is soothing (Gertrude Stein Quotes)
A vegetable garden in the beginning looks so promising and then after all little by little it grows nothing but vegetables, nothing, nothing but vegetables (Gertrude Stein Quotes)
Argument is to me the air I breathe. Given any proposition, I cannot help believing the other side and defending it (Gertrude Stein Quotes)
Disillusionment in living is finding that no one can really ever be agreeing with you completely in anything (Gertrude Stein Quotes)
Everybody knows if you are too careful you are so occupied in being careful that you are sure to stumble over something (Gertrude Stein Quotes)
I do want to get rich but I never want to do what there is to do to get rich (Gertrude Stein Quotes)
I don’t envisage collectivism. There is no such animal, it is always individualism, sometimes the rest vote and sometimes they do not, and if they do they do and if they do not they do not (Gertrude Stein Quotes)
I have always noticed that in portraits of really great writers the mouth is always firmly closed (Gertrude Stein Quotes)
I rarely believe anything, because at the time of believing I am not really there to believe (Gertrude Stein Quotes)
If you are looking down while you are walking it is better to walk up hill the ground is nearer (Gertrude Stein Quotes)
It is extraordinary that whole populations have no projects for the future, none at all. It certainly is extraordinary, but it is certainly true (Gertrude Stein Quotes)
It is natural not to care about a sister certainly not when she is four years older and grinds her teeth at night (Gertrude Stein Quotes)
It is so friendly so simply friendly and though inevitable not a sadness and though occurring not a shock (Gertrude Stein Quotes)
It takes a lot of time to be a genius, you have to sit around so much doing nothing, really doing nothing (Gertrude Stein Quotes)
Name any name and then remember everybody you ever knew who bore that name. Are they all alike. I think so (Gertrude Stein Quotes)
One of the pleasant things those of us who write or paint do is to have the daily miracle. It does come (Gertrude Stein Quotes)
Picasso once remarked I do not care who it is that has or does influence me as long as it is not myself (Gertrude Stein Quotes)
Supposing everyone lived at one time what would they say. They would observe that stringing string beans is universal (Gertrude Stein Quotes)
The earth is the earth as a peasant sees it, the world is the world as a duchess sees it, and anyway a duchess would be nothing if the earth was not there as the peasant sees it (Gertrude Stein Quotes)
The nineteenth century was completely lacking in logic, it had cosmic terms and hopes, and aspirations, and discoveries, and ideals but it had no logic (Gertrude Stein Quotes)
To write is to write is to write is to write is to write is to write is to write is to write (Gertrude Stein Quotes)
When they are alone they want to be with others, and when they are with others they want to be alone. After all, human beings are like that (Gertrude Stein Quotes)
You’ll be old and you never lived, and you kind of feel silly to lie down and die and to never have lived, to have been a job chaser and never have lived (Gertrude Stein Quotes)
It is inevitable when one has a great need of something one finds it. What you need you attract like a lover (Gertrude Stein Quotes)
It is nice that nobody writes as they talk and that the printed language is different from the spoken otherwise you could not lose yourself in books and of course you do you completely do (Gertrude Stein Quotes)
She always says she dislikes the abnormal, it is so obvious. She says the normal is so much more simply complicated and interesting (Gertrude Stein Quotes)
Anything one does every day is important and imposing and anywhere one lives is interesting and beautiful (Gertrude Stein Quotes)