Get A Girl Quotes

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When I was a boy if a girl got pregnant the shame was placed on her and the boy could get away (Get A Girl Quotes)
My definition of a character actor is - they never get the girl (Get A Girl Quotes)
You know what, when I was thin, I thought there was a fat girl trying to get out of me (Get A Girl Quotes)
I did what a lot of character actors do: I did it to get girls (Get A Girl Quotes)
Science is science, but a girl must get her hair done (Get A Girl Quotes)
Leave it to him to get messed up with deaths little girl (Get A Girl Quotes)
What I really want is to play the romantic lead and get the girl (Get A Girl Quotes)
I’m usually the guy who knocks everyone out in order to get the girl (Get A Girl Quotes)
Yeah, I’d like to get the girl and at least make it through the film (Get A Girl Quotes)
A girl’s gotta get her glam on when the world turns its back on her (Get A Girl Quotes)
Well, if you’ve got a one-in-a-million girl don’t let her get away; cause the next one-in-a-million girl is a million girls away... (Get A Girl Quotes)
The easiest way to get laid by a girl, or get rid of her, is to write a song about her (Get A Girl Quotes)
I’m not the girl for superhigh fashion because I don’t have the right body. When I want to get dressed up. (Get A Girl Quotes)
Poltergeist’ terrifies me! When the little girl Carol Anne is talking to the TV, I get shivers every time. (Get A Girl Quotes)
My career is going better now than when I was younger. Now I get the part. Back then, I’d get the girl. (Get A Girl Quotes)
Get a grip on your heart and pride, girl. Nobody has or ever will give a damn whether you’re happy or not. (Get A Girl Quotes)
Sometimes, when you get a girl pregnant, you blame the condom. His condom broke that night. (Get A Girl Quotes)
It’s not music you would use to get a girl into bed. If anything, you’re going to frighten her off. (Get A Girl Quotes)
I tell ya, I know the best way to get girls. I hang out at women’s prisons, and wait for parolees. (Get A Girl Quotes)
I’m not trouble at all. I’m just a guy trying to get a girl to give him the time of day. I’m like every song on the radio. (Get A Girl Quotes)
A man’s got to keep company a long time, and come early and stay late and sit close, before he can get a girl or a job worth having. (Get A Girl Quotes)
You can’t assume the best about people. If I get a girl home and she takes her pants off, and it looks like she’s got herpes, I can’t afford to assume she got stung by a pack of bees. (Get A Girl Quotes)
Phone calls are much more personal than texting and then when you get a girl on the phone, it’s like you ask a question and you get a response back. For a text message, they can read it and get back to it whenever they want to. So that makes a difference, almost like a power play in a way. (Get A Girl Quotes)
Most photographers go and photograph something that they see, that exists, and that somebody else has created - they document it. But fashion photographers have to create what they’re going to photograph. We have to go into the thought and build it up, get a girl, get a guy, get a situation, get the house, get the decor. It’s the meaning of the word photography: writing with light. (Get A Girl Quotes)
You can’t fake some of this chemistry, even when you get a guy and a girl and they’ve got to be together. (Get A Girl Quotes)
I pray to God I get inside a girl’s head one day and see what in the WORLD they are thinking (Get A Girl Quotes)
Everyone thinks softball is a girl’s game. But you only think that until you get hit with it on a line drive. (Get A Girl Quotes)
You can’t have an all-girl band! They’ll get pregnant, and they’ll never stay together. (Get A Girl Quotes)
I don’t have a girlfriend. I just know a girl who would get really mad if she heard me say that. (Get A Girl Quotes)
You’re like the girl who left her shadow in the drawer, but when she went to get it, it wasn’t there. (Get A Girl Quotes)