Get in the car, now, Gladys! Whatcha' gonna do about it?

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Get in the car, now, Gladys! Whatcha' gonna do about it?
Gladys stood frozen in disbelief as her friend, Sarah, stood with her hands on her hips, a mischievous grin on her face. The two had been out shopping when Sarah had suddenly decided to play a prank on Gladys by pretending to steal her car."Get in the car, now, Gladys! Whatcha' gonna do about it?" Sarah taunted, wiggling the keys in front of Gladys' face.
Gladys couldn't help but burst out laughing at the absurdity of the situation. "Oh, you think you're so funny, don't you?" she said, trying to sound stern but failing miserably as she dissolved into giggles.
Sarah opened the car door and hopped into the driver's seat, pretending to rev the engine. "Come on, Gladys, we're going for a joyride!" she exclaimed, pretending to speed off down the street.
Gladys finally managed to compose herself enough to play along. She ran to the passenger side of the car and flung open the door, jumping in with a dramatic flourish. "Hold on tight, Sarah, this is gonna be one wild ride!" she exclaimed, pretending to grip an imaginary steering wheel.
The two friends burst into fits of laughter as they pretended to drive around the neighborhood, making exaggerated turns and screeching to a halt at imaginary stop signs. Passersby looked on in confusion, wondering what on earth was going on inside the car.
After a few minutes of silliness, Sarah finally pulled the car over and turned to Gladys with a grin. "Well, that was fun! But I think it's time to head home now before we get arrested for reckless driving," she said, still chuckling.
Gladys nodded, wiping tears of laughter from her eyes. "Yeah, probably a good idea. But that was definitely one of the funniest pranks you've ever pulled, Sarah!"
As they drove home, the two friends continued to laugh and joke about their ridiculous joyride, grateful for the spontaneous moments of silliness that made their friendship so special.