Gift Quotes

Text Quotes
Our lives are like the talents in the parable of the three stewards. It is something that has been given to us for the time being and we have the opportunity and privilege of doing our best with this precious gift (Gift Quotes)
The fish you release maybe a gift to another, as it may have been a gift to you (Gift Quotes)
My mind is always racing, and always going and always working, and it’s a gift and a curse (Gift Quotes)
One can always come up with funny lists and jokes. You know what? I take it back. Not everyone can always come up with funny lists and some jokes. I’m very lucky to have a gift where I can do that pretty ably (Gift Quotes)
In college, I had a lot of friends who were writers and wanted to be writers and I felt intimidated by it. I just didn’t know if I had any gift or voice and I had no confidence about it (Gift Quotes)
Free people make the only milieu possible in society for the full gift of one’s self to church, state, and family. Free people enjoy and sustain and feel with one another because they live for one another. The paths of life are intermingled lives (Gift Quotes)
I try to be grateful for the abundance of the blessings that I have, for the journey that I’m on and to relish each day as a gift (Gift Quotes)
My grandmother taught me that accomplishments meant less than what you left behind. I started to ask myself what impact my comedy would have on people’s lives. And that changed my act. I got cleaner. I stopped talking about generic stuff like airplane peanuts and started speaking the truth about my gift (Gift Quotes)
When you’re in a position to have gotten so much, the gift at this point is giving back (Gift Quotes)
Expressing my feelings and then the opportunity to share it with others is just such a gift (Gift Quotes)
My approach as an actor has always been the same, in that the greatest gift that you’re ever going to have is your imagination because you’re not going to have all life experiences. So you draw on things that are sort of close to it but you spend your time expanding on it or drawing something specific on whatever your situation is (Gift Quotes)
If I had influence with the good fairy who is supposed to preside over the christening of all children I should ask that her gift to each child in the world be a sense of wonder so indestructible that it would last throughout life, as an unfailing antidote against the boredom and disenchantments of later years, the sterile preoccupation with things artificial, the alienation from the sources of our strength (Gift Quotes)
You have the gift of a brilliant internal guardian that stands ready to warn you of hazards and guide you through risky situations (Gift Quotes)
When you look back on a lifetime and think of what has been given to the world by your presence, your fugitive presence, inevitably you think of your art, whatever it may be, as the gift you have made to the world in acknowledgment of the gift you have been given, which is the life itself... That work is not an expression of the desire for praise or recognition, or prizes, but the deepest manifestation of your gratitiude for the gift of life (Gift Quotes)
Our world was created with a sense of order. For every loss, there is a gain. Sometimes we are so blinded by the loss that we don’t see the gain, don’t recognize the gift (Gift Quotes)
She felt an enveloping happiness to be alive, a joy made stronger by the certainty that someday it would all come to an end. Afterward she felt a little foolish, and never spoke to anyone about it. Now, however, she knows she wasn’t being foolish. She realizes that for no particular reason she stumbled into the core of what it is to be human. It’s a rare gift to under stand that you life is wondrous, and that it won’t last forever (Gift Quotes)
How can I give you nothing? Do you seriously expect me to buy nothing, wrap up nothing, stick a gift tag on nothing, send a card saying I really hope you like your nothing and lie awake worrying that the nothing I got you was the right color nothing you always anted? Have a heart! (Gift Quotes)
There’s such a big difference between being dead and alive, I told myself, the greatest gift that anyone can give anyone else is life. And the greatest sin a person can do to another is to take away that life. Next to that, all the rules and religions in the world are secondary; mere words and beliefs that people choose to believe and kill and hate by. My life won’t be lived that way, and neither, I hope, will my children’s (Gift Quotes)
Life’s greatest gift is the freedom it leaves you to step out of it whenever you choose (Gift Quotes)
Secrets could never be rushed. They had to come of their own accord, on their own schedule. That way,when they came, the offered themselves as a gift (Gift Quotes)
Giving anyone anything takes courage, since so many presents backfire. A gift conspicuously at odds with your tastes serves only to betray that the benefactor has no earthly clue who you are (Gift Quotes)
She asked me why I always had something flip to say. I said that I didn’t know, but having been blessed with the gift, I felt obliged to use it (Gift Quotes)
Well, anyway, her death changed our lives for the better, because it brought a kind of awareness, a specific sense of purpose and appreciation we hadn’t had before. Would I trade that in order to have her back? In a fraction of a millisecond. But I won’t ever have her back. So I have taken this, as her great gift to us. But. Do I block her out? Never. Do I think of her? Always. In some part of my brain, I think of her every single moment of every single day (Gift Quotes)
Knowing that everything comes to an end is a gift of experience, a consolation gift for knowing that we ourselves are coming to an end. Before we get it we live in a continuous present, and imagine the future as more of that present. Happiness is endless happiness, innocent of its own sure passing. Pain is endless pain (Gift Quotes)
Your time on this earth is a gift to be used wisely. Don’t squander your words or your thoughts. Consider that even the simplest actions you take for your lives matter beyond measure... and they matter forever (Gift Quotes)
Sometimes the gift of an inquisitive nature to the young can be greater than that of the wisdom which comes of age (Gift Quotes)
You have a great heart, but will only find it to be so through great pain. This is the wisdom of love, and its doubtful gift... I have endured much suffering and still remain unbitter and unclosed (Gift Quotes)
When a man can listen to a woman’s feelings without getting angry and frustrated, he gives her a wonderful gift. He makes it safe for her to express herself. The more she is able to express herself, the more she feels heard and understood, and the more she is able to give a man the loving trust, acceptance, appreciation, admiration, approval, and encouragement that he needs (Gift Quotes)
I look back now and realize that the gift of a true friend is that she sees you not the way you see yourself or the way others see you. A true friend sees you for who you are and who you can become (Gift Quotes)
A growing community must integrate three elements: a life of silent prayer, a life of service and above all of listening to the poor, and a community life through which all its members can grow in their own gift (Gift Quotes)