Gift Quotes

Text Quotes
Relationships may change throughout the gift of time, memories stay the same forever in my mind (Gift Quotes)
Life beats down and crushes our souls and theatre reminds us that we have one. At least the type of theatre that I’m interested in; that is, theatre that moves an audience. You have the opportunity to literally impact the lives of people if they work on material that has integrity. But today, most actors simply want to be famous. Well, being an actor was never supposed to be about fame and money. Being an actor is a religious calling because you’ve been given the ability, the gift to inspire humanity. Think about that on the way to your soap opera audition (Gift Quotes)
No matter how you get here or where you end up, human beings have this miraculous gift to make that place home (Gift Quotes)
None of us is born thinking we are ordinary. Feeling special is an essential part of the human birthright. If you don’t think you are special, you won’t seek to contribute your gift to the world (Gift Quotes)
There are all kinds of devices invented for the protection and preservation of countries: defensive barriers, forts, trenches, and the like... But prudent minds have as a natural gift one safeguard which is the common possession of all, and this applies especially to the dealings of democracies. What is this safeguard? Skepticism. This you must preserve. This you must retain. If you can keep this, you need fear no harm (Gift Quotes)
At every moment in our lives we need compassion, but what more urgent moment could there be than when we are dying? What more wonderful and consoling gift could you give to dying people than the knowledge that they are being prayed for, and that you are taking on their suffering and purifying their negative karma through your practice for them? (Gift Quotes)
Perhaps it is good to have a beautiful mind, but an even greater gift is to discover a beautiful heart (Gift Quotes)
I don’t feel bound by my face or my body. I don’t feel like that’s the biggest gift I have to offer the world. I feel like there are more parts of me to offer than that (Gift Quotes)
I was given a small camera as a wedding gift from a very dear friend. My first pictures were taken on my honeymoon. As soon as I became familiar with the camera, I was intrigued with the possibilities of expression it offered. It was like a discovery for me (Gift Quotes)
Make every day special. Own it. Enjoy it. Bask in the glory of life. Appreciate the gift of your own life (Gift Quotes)
Everything we call a trial, a sorrow or a duty, believe me, that angel’s hand is there, the gift is there, and the wonder of an overshadowing presence. Our joys, too, be not content with them as joys. They, too, conceal diviner gifts (Gift Quotes)
The greatest gift that one human being can give another is unconditional love. It’s the only thing, ultimately, that really matters (Gift Quotes)
Let us regard the forests as an inheritance, given to us by nature, not to be despoiled or devastated, but to be wisely used, reverently honoured and carefully maintained. Let us regard the forests as a gift, entrusted to any of us only for transient care, to be surrendered to posterity as an unimpaired property, increased in riches and augmented in blessings, to pass as a sacred patrimony from generation to generation (Gift Quotes)
Every kind of work can be a pleasure. Even simple household tasks can be an opportunity to exercise and expand our caring, our effectiveness, our responsiveness. As we respond with caring and vision to all work, we develop our capacity to respond fully to all of life. Every action generates positive energy which can be shared with others. These qualities of caring and responsiveness are the greatest gift we can offer (Gift Quotes)
I’ve always known that I was a gifted person... I’ve always felt like I would be punished, severely, if I didn’t continue to make use of that gift. It’s very important that you don’t let the muscle get flabby. It’s really hard, as an old human being, to press as much weight as you pressed when you were a kid (Gift Quotes)
Recovery is not a gift from clinicians, but the responsibility of us all. We must become confident in our own ability to change our lives, we must give up being reliant on others doing everything for us. We must have the confidence to give up being ill so that we can start being recovered (Gift Quotes)
As an artist, I feel lucky to have been given the gift of creativity so that I may share my vision of a better world. I will never forget what it was like to be poor and that is why it is so important to me that my work be accessible to all people. For me, art can reflect the celebration of the simple and good things in life. This is the most important to me (Gift Quotes)
I may not believe in life after death, but what a gift it is to be alive now (Gift Quotes)
We’re taught to expect unconditional love from our parents, but I think it is more the gift our children give us. It’s they who love us helplessly, no matter what or who we are (Gift Quotes)
I’m not different. I’m not different at all. The wrapping is different but the gift is still the same (Gift Quotes)
You know my feelings: Every day is a gift. It’s just, does it have to be a pair of socks? (Gift Quotes)
Just as you maintain your home, your car, your garden, you should look after your greatest gift: your body (Gift Quotes)
If you give a good performance, something that gets some feeling across to people, that’s such a rare gift. It’s underestimated at this point in history, when the music biz is inevitably turning into a kind of politics (Gift Quotes)
The greatest gift in life is the ability to think great thoughts and have the strength to take action so that those thoughts become reality in this wonderful and abundant world (Gift Quotes)
The most important thing in anyone’s life is to be giving something. The quality I can give is fun, joy and happiness. This is my gift (Gift Quotes)
When I found out that I could carry a tune, well, I came to realize that I had a gift, that it was a kind of a blessing. And I think if you’re given something special, you ought to try and give that something back. If you don’t, it’s a sin. No question (Gift Quotes)
I have decided to tell the world that I accept my homosexuality and celebrate this gift that life has given me (Gift Quotes)
There is not way that you can have a decent life as a man if you aren’t awake and aware every moment. Show up for your own life. Don’t pass your days in a stupor, content to swallow whatever watery ideas modern society may bottle feed you through the media, satisfied to slumber through life in an instant gratification sugar coma. The most extraordinary gift you’ve been given is your own humanity, which is about consciousness. So honor that consciousness (Gift Quotes)
It has taken awhile, but I certainly do know it now andshy;andshy;– the most wonderful gift I had, the gift I finally learned to cherish above all else, was the gift of all those perfectly ordinary days (Gift Quotes)
In a moment of grace, we can grasp eternity in the palm of our hand. This is the gift given to creative individuals who can identify with the mysteries of life through art (Gift Quotes)