Gift Quotes

Text Quotes
The finest gift you can give to any fisherman is to put a good fish back, and who knows if the fish that you caught isn’t someone else’s gift to you? (Gift Quotes)
The table is a meeting place, a gathering ground, the source of sustenance and nourishment, festivity, safety, and satisfaction. A person cooking is a person giving: even the simplest food is a gift (Gift Quotes)
The act of giving is simply a behavior, and the gift merely a symbol. It is the energy behind both that will determine their impact on our lives (Gift Quotes)
It’s a precious thing to be communicating to children, helping them discover the gift of language and thought (Gift Quotes)
This is your body, your greatest gift, pregnant with wisdom you do not hear, grief you thought was forgotten, and joy you have never known (Gift Quotes)
It’s not a gift of mine, but one given to me, to be able to criticise myself and not be crushed, by myself or by others (Gift Quotes)
Good oil, like good wine, is a gift from the gods. The grape and the olive are among the priceless benefactions of the soil, and were destined, each in its way, to promote the welfare of man (Gift Quotes)
The mystique and the false glamour of the writing profession grow partly out of a mistaken belief that people who can express profound ideas and emotions have ideas and emotions more profound than the rest of us. It isn’t so. The ability to express is a special gift with a special craft to support it and is spread fairly equally among the profound, the shallow, and the mediocre (Gift Quotes)
You need eyes that tell the dog who watches them what you are feeling toward it, even though the message may be hidden from the outside world. Above all, you nee telepathy so that the dog thinks with you. These things are not always born in people. They can be developed as any sense or gift can be developed. That is, providing the person wishes to develop them is honest in mind, because with animals you cannot cheat (Gift Quotes)
To become more conscious is the greatest gift anyone can give to the world; moreover, in a ripple effect, the gift comes back to its source (Gift Quotes)
Gratitude is not a fair weather virtue. True gratitude means appreciating your life no matter what the storms may bring. Is simply being alive gift enough for you to feel grateful? (Gift Quotes)
To create a new business that makes money, and more significantly, employs others, and more significantly, gives a product to a customer that improves their life, is our greatest challenge, our greatest opportunity, and the greatest gift, far greater than any charity that we can give our fellow person (Gift Quotes)
Sad people have the gift of time, while the world dizzies everyone else; they remain stagnant, their bodies refusing to follow pace with the universe. With these kind of people everything aches for too long, everything moves without rush, wounds are always wet (Gift Quotes)
I am fooling only myself when I say that my mother exists now only in the photographs on my bulletin board or in the outline of my hand or in the armful of memories I still hold tight. She lives on beneath everything I do. Her presence influenced who I was and her absence influences who I am. Our lives are shaped as much by those who leave us as they are by those who stay. Loss is our legacy. Insight is our gift. Memory is our guide (Gift Quotes)
Unlike the sale of a commodity, the giving of a gift tends to establish a relationship between the parties involved. When gifts circulate within a group, their commerce leaves a series of interconnected relationships in its wake, and a kind of decentralized cohesiveness emerges (Gift Quotes)
It is an absolutely vain endeavor to attempt to reconstruct or even comprehend the nature of a human being by simply knowing the forces which have acted upon him. However deeply we should like to penetrate, however close we seem to be drawing to truth, one unknown quantity eludes us: man’s primordial energy, his original self, that personality which was given him with the gift of life itself. On it rests man’s true freedom; it alone determines his real character (Gift Quotes)
Something precious is lost if we rush headlong into the details of life without pausing for a moment to pay homage to the mystery of life and the gift of another day (Gift Quotes)
I personally believe this: We have only today; yesterday’s gone and tomorrow is uncertain. That’s why they call it the present. And sobriety really is a gift... for those who are willing to receive it (Gift Quotes)
The greatest gift that you can give to others and to yourself is time. Embrace the gift of time whether you give it or receive it (Gift Quotes)
The writer’s gift can make us see ourselves and our morals differently than our reality suggests (Gift Quotes)
To suddenly be a hero on a world basis was hard for me to understand. God gave me a gift. I got the chance to use it. I didn’t think I deserved what people were saying. My talent is just more visible than theirs (Gift Quotes)
With color, for the price of a pot of paint, people can express their own style and individuality. But, as with style, a gift for color has to be developed by experiment. If you don’t dare, you are doomed to dullness (Gift Quotes)
If there were just one gift you could choose, but nothing barred, what would it be? We wish you then your own wish; you name it. Ours is liberty, now and forever (Gift Quotes)
Each day is a precious gift to be savored and used, not left unopened and hoarded for a future that may never come (Gift Quotes)
The purpose of life is to discover your gift. The work of life is to develop it. The meaning of life is to give your gift away (Gift Quotes)
Cheerful givers do not count the cost of what they give. Their hearts are set on pleasing and cheering the person to whom the gift is given (Gift Quotes)
If all of us who love baseball and are doing our jobs, then those who get the game from us will be as proud to be a part of it as we were. And we are. This game is a gift, and I am humbled, very humbled, to accept its greatest honor (Gift Quotes)
It is my belief that in our mad world where there is so much pain, rivalry, hatred, violence, inequality, and oppression, it is people who are weak, rejected, marginalized, counted as useless, who can become a source of life and of salvation for us as individuals as well as for our world. And it is my hope that each one of you may experience the incredible gift of the friendship of people who are poor and weak, that you too, may receive life from them. For they call us to love, to communion, to compassion and to community (Gift Quotes)
The inmost significance of the exaggerated value which is set upon hard work appears to be this: man seems to mistrust everything that is effortless; he can only enjoy, with a good conscience, what he has acquired with toil and trouble; he refused to have anything as a gift (Gift Quotes)
To be human is to become visible while carrying what is hidden as a gift to others (Gift Quotes)