Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes

Text Quotes
Dipsomaniac and the abstainer are not only both mistaken, but they both make the same mistake. They both regard wine as a drug and not as a drink (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
But there is in everything a reasonable division of labour. I have written the book, and nothing on earth would induce me to read it (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
He may be mad, but there’s method in his madness. There nearly always is method in madness. It’s what drives men mad, being methodical (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
It is well sometimes to half understand a poem in the same manner that we half understand the world (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
You have not wasted your time; you have helped to save the world. We are not buffoons, but very desperate men at war with a vast conspiracy (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
There are no words to express the abyss between isolation and having one ally. It may be conceded to the mathematician that four is twice two. But two is not twice one; two is two thousand times one (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
We do not need to get good laws to restrain bad people. We need to get good people to restrain us from bad laws (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
If seeds in the black earth can turn into such beautiful roses, what might not the heart of man become in its long journey toward the stars (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
People talk of the pathos and failure of plain women; but it is a more terrible thing that a beautiful woman may succeed in everything but womanhood (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
Religious liberty might be supposed to mean that everybody is free to discuss religion. In practice it means that hardly anybody is allowed to mention it (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
There are a great many good people, and a great many sane people here this afternoon. Unfortunately, by a kind of coincidence, all the good people are mad, and all the sane people are wicked (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
With every step of our lives we enter into the middle of some story which we are certain to misunderstand (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
Most modern freedom is at root fear. It is not so much that we are too bold to endure rules; it is rather that we are too timid to endure responsibilities (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
We talk of wild animals but man is the only wild animal. It is man that has broken out. All other animals are tame animals; following the rugged respectability of the tribe or type (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
Love is not blind; that is the last thing that it is. Love is bound; and the more it is bound the less it is blind (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
If we are bound to improve, we need not trouble to improve. The pure doctrine of progress is the best of all reasons for not being a progressive (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
In truth, there are only two kinds of people; those who accept dogma and know it, and those who accept dogma and don’t know it (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
The whole secret of mysticism is this: that man can understand everything by the help of something he cannot understand (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
Excuse me if I enjoy myself rather obviously! I don’t often have the luck to have a dream like this. It is new to me for a nightmare to lead me to a lobster. It is commonly the other way (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
But I was frightfully fond of the universe and wanted to address it by a diminutive. I often did so; and it never seemed to mind (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
A detective story generally describes six living men discussing how it is that a man is dead. A modern philosophic story generally describes six dead men discussing how any man can possibly be alive (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
We are passing into a social phase in which unless a heroic effort is made for human dignity and freedom, gold will be the sole method of government and therefore the sole standard of manners (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
That is the one eternal education: to be sure enough that something is true that you dare to tell it to a child (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
The more truly we can see life as a fairytale, the more clearly the tale resolves itself into war with the dragon who is wasting fairyland (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
Here ends another day, during which I have had eyes, ears, hands and the great world around me. Tomorrow begins another day. Why am I allowed two? (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
The most extraordinary thing in the world is an ordinary man and an ordinary woman and their ordinary children (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
It was not the house that grew dull, but I that grew dull in it. My wife was better than all women, and yet I could not feel it (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
The man who kills a man kills a man. The man who kills himself kills all men. As far as he is concerned, he wipes out the world (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
Truth, of course, must of necessity be stranger than fiction, for we have made fiction to suit ourselves (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
Man must have just enough faith in himself to have adventures, and just enough doubt of himself to enjoy them (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)