Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes

Text Quotes
The most important fact about the subject of education is that there is no such thing. Education is not a subject and it does not deal in subjects. It is instead the transfer of a way of life (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
The triangle of truisms, of father, mother and child, cannot be destroyed; it can only destroy those civilizations which disregard it (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
A thing constructed can only be loved after it is constructed; but a thing created is loved before it exists (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
When a person has found something which he prefers to life itself, he for the first time has begun to live (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
Eugenics asserts that all men must be so stupid that they cannot manage their own affairs; and also so clever that they can manage each other’s (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
Christianity met the mythological search for romance by being a story and the philosophical search for truth by being a true story (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
The man who lives in a small community lives in a much larger world... The reason is obvious. In a large community we can choose our companions. In a small community our companions are chosen for us (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
The objection to fairy stories is that they tell children there are dragons. But children have always known there are dragons. Fairy stories tell children that dragons can be killed (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
Marxism: The theory that all the important things in history are rooted in an economic motive, that history is a science, a science of the search for food (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
At the bottom of all the tributes paid to democracy is the little man, walking into the little booth, with a little pencil, making a little cross on a little bit of paper (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
It is very good for a man to talk about what he does not understand; as long as he understands that he does not understand it (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
A man cannot have the energy to produce good art without having the energy to wish to pass beyond it (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
Powerful men who have powerful passions use much of their strength in forging chains for themselves (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
Obviously if any actions, even a lunatic’s, can be causeless, determinism is done for. If the chain of causation can be broken for a madman, it can be broken for a man (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
Precisely because our political speeches are meant to be reported, they are not worth reporting. Precisely because they are carefully designed to be read, nobody reads them (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
You can free things from alien or accidental laws, but not from the laws of their own nature. You may, if you like, free a tiger from his bars; but do not free him from his stripes (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
Truths turn into dogmas the instant that they are disputed. Thus every man who utters a doubt defines a religion (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
The new community which the capitalists are now constructing will be a very complete and absolute community; and one which will tolerate nothing really independent of itself (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
Against a dark sky all flowers look like fireworks. There is something strange about them, at once vivid and secret, like flowers traced in fire in the phantasmal garden of a witch (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
If the common man in the past had a grave respect for property, it may conceivably have been because he sometimes had some of his own (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
If an editor can only make people angry enough, they will write half his newspaper for him for nothing (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
There is nothing so weak, for working purposes, as this enormous importance attached to immediate victory. There is nothing that fails like success (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
Angels can fly because they take themselves lightly. Never forget that the devil fell by force of gravity. He who has the faith has the fun (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
Children are simply human beings who are allowed to do what everyone else really desires to do, as for instance, to fly kites, or when seriously wronged to emit prolonged screams for several minutes (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
Stick to the man who looks out of the window and tries to understand the world. Keep clear of the man who looks in at the window and tries to understand you (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
English experience indicates that when the two great political parties agree about something it is generally wrong (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
I believe in preaching to the converted; for I have generally found that the converted do not understand their own religion (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
The people has no definite disbelief in the temples of theology. The people has a very fiery and practical disbelief in the temples of physical science (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
The artistic temperament is a disease that afflicts amateurs. It is a disease which arises from men no having sufficient power of expression to utter and get rid of the element of art in their being (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
It is a mathematical fact that if a line be not perfectly directed towards a point, it will actually go further away from it as it comes nearer to it (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)