Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes

Text Quotes
If there is one thing worse than the modern weakening of major morals it is the modern strengthening of minor morals (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
Men reform a thing by removing the reality from it, and then do not know what to do with the unreality that is left (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
A cosmic philosophy is not constructed to fit a man; a cosmic philosophy is constructed to fit a cosmos. A man can no more possess a private religion than he can possess a private sun and moon (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
To be simple is the best thing in the world; to be modest is the next best thing. I am not so sure about being quiet (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
Virtue is not the absence of vices or the avoidance of moral dangers; virtue is a vivid and separate thing, like pain or a particular smell (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
The right kind of monarchy is one where everybody goes about with the permanent conviction that the king can do no wrong (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
Education is the period during which I was being instructed by somebody I did not know, about something I did not want to know (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
A great deal of contemporary criticism reads to me like a man saying: Of course I do not like green cheese: I am very fond of brown sherry (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
If our caricaturists do not hate their enemies, it is not because they are too big to hate them, but because their enemies are not big enough to hate (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
All good men are international. Nearly all bad men are cosmopolitan. If we are to be international we must be national (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
The artistic temperament is a disease that afflicts amateurs... Artists of a large and wholesome vitality get rid of their art easily, as they breathe easily or perspire easily (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
Carlyle said that men were mostly fools. Christianity, with a surer and more reverend realism, says that they are all fools (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
Charity is the power of defending that which we know to be indefensible. Hope is the power of being cheerful in circumstances which we know to be desperate (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
There is one thing which gives radiance to everything. It is the idea of something around the corner (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
The doctrine of human equality reposes on this: that there is no man really clever who has not found that he is stupid (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
The man who sees consistency in things is a wit; the man who sees the inconsistency in things is a humorist (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
The mind that finds its way to wild places is the poet’s; but the mind that never finds its way back is the lunatic’s (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
There is no skeptic who does not feel that men have doubted before, but no man in love thinks that anyone has been in love before (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
Reason is itself a matter of faith. It is an act of faith to assert that our thoughts have any relation to reality at all (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
People in high life are hardened to the wants and distresses of mankind as surgeons are to their bodily pains (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
You have weighed the stars in the balance, and grasped the skies in a span: Take, if you must have answer, the word of a common man (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
A dying monarchy is always one that has too much power, not too little; a dying religion always interferes more than it ought, not less (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a coloured pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
The madman is not the man who has lost his reason. The madman is the man who has lost everything except his reason (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
They have given us into the hand of new unhappy lords, lords without anger and honour, who dare not carry their swords. They fight by shuffling papers; they have bright dead alien eyes (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
Fools! For I also had my hour; one far fierce hour and sweet; there was a shout about my ears, and palms before my feet (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
Where does a wise man kick a pebble? On the beach. Where does a wise man hide a leaf? In the forest (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
There’s no such thing as fighting on the winning side; one fights to find out which is the winning side (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
Fairy tales do not tell children the dragons exist. Children already know that dragons exist. Fairy tales tell children the dragons can be killed (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)
The home is not the one tame place in the world of adventure. It is the one wild place in the world of rules and set tasks (Gilbert K Chesterton Quotes)