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Ginger Rogers Quotes

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I do everything the man does, only backwards and in high heels!  (Ginger Rogers Quotes) You’ve got to stand for something or you’ll fall for anything  (Ginger Rogers Quotes) The kids today, they think they can dance with their faces  (Ginger Rogers Quotes) Beauty is a valuable asset, but it is not the whole cheese  (Ginger Rogers Quotes) Looking back at my life’s voyage, I can only say that it has been a golden trip  (Ginger Rogers Quotes) If I’ve learned any one lesson from life, it’s this: If you don’t stand for something, you will stand for anything  (Ginger Rogers Quotes) My mother told me I was dancing before I was born. She could feel my toes tapping wildly inside her for months  (Ginger Rogers Quotes) Part of the joy of dancing is conversation. Trouble is, some men can’t talk and dance at the same time  (Ginger Rogers Quotes) When two people love each other, they don’t look at each other, they look in the same direction  (Ginger Rogers Quotes) My faith in humanity leads me to believe that people are looking for something more elevating than the sordid details of the intimate aspects of one’s personal life  (Ginger Rogers Quotes) Rhythm is born in all of us. To be a desirable dancing partner, you don’t have to do all the intricate fancy steps that happen to be in vogue. All you have to do is be a good average dancer, and anybody who spends the time and effort can accomplish this  (Ginger Rogers Quotes) At the age of ten, I thought if a boy kissed you on the lips, you would have a baby, and I surely wasn’t the only youngster who believed that!  (Ginger Rogers Quotes) I enjoy sports, and love being involved in any outdoor sport from volleyball to softball. I’m not being immodest when I say I’m a natural athlete  (Ginger Rogers Quotes) You know, there’s nothing damnable about being a strong woman. The world needs strong women  (Ginger Rogers Quotes) The fun, joy, and humor dry up in a relationship when one of the partners is swimming in gin. To my way of thinking, it is selfishness personified to see life through the bottom of a liquor bottle  (Ginger Rogers Quotes) I don’t care what the critics say. My fabulous mom will give me a good review if nobody else does  (Ginger Rogers Quotes) The most important thing in anyone’s life is to be giving something. The quality I can give is fun, joy and happiness. This is my gift  (Ginger Rogers Quotes) Intelligence, adaptability and talent. And by talent I mean the capacity for hard work. Lots of girls come here with little but good looks. Beauty is a valuable asset, but it is not the whole cheese  (Ginger Rogers Quotes) You know, there’s nothing damnable about being a strong woman. The world needs strong women. There are a lot of strong women you do not see who are guiding, helping, mothering strong men. They want to remain unseen. It’s kind of nice to be able to play a strong woman who is seen  (Ginger Rogers Quotes) I believe in living each day as it comes, to the best of my ability. When it’s done, I put it away, remembering that there will be a tomorrow to take it’s place. If I have any philosophy, that’s it. To me it’s not a fatalistic attitude  (Ginger Rogers Quotes) You bring out a lot of your own thoughts and attitudes when acting. I think a great deal of it has to do with the inner you  (Ginger Rogers Quotes)
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