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Girl Quotes

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My new movie, Fools Rush In, is a romantic comedy and the girl I play in that is very warm, very sweet  (Girl Quotes) One of the beauties of ‘The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo’ is the very delicate and strange relationship between the two main characters  (Girl Quotes) The best money advice ever given me was from my father. When I was a little girl, he told me, ‘Don’t spend anything unless you have to. ‘  (Girl Quotes) The funny thing is that I’m the girl who no one sees at the beach. Ask anyone who’s traveled with me. Normally, I’m in so many layers, I look like Lawrence of Arabia!  (Girl Quotes) To put yourself in another’s place requires real imagination, but by doing so each Girl Scout will be able to love among others happily  (Girl Quotes) When I found out I got this job, I cried, of course - I’m a girly - girl - and then I called my dad, and he cried, too. On so many levels, this is a thrill for me  (Girl Quotes) When I graduated from Santa Monica High in 1927, I was voted the girl most likely to succeed. I didn’t realize it would take so long  (Girl Quotes) When I think of a merry, happy, free young girl - and look at the ailing, aching state a young wife generally is doomed to - which you can’t deny is the penalty of marriage  (Girl Quotes) Like most women, I hate when a guy tries to pick me up by saying, You are the hottest girl I’ve ever seen. It’s totally unrealistic. There are beautiful women everywhere  (Girl Quotes) Yeah, what happened was Universal wanted one of the characters to be nice so they chose me so there was a scene where the girl was tied to the bed and I let her go  (Girl Quotes) I make conscious decisions to stay out of the limelight. Without my make-up I’m pretty much the girl next door  (Girl Quotes) I am honored to be a Bond girl and be a part of the Bond legacy, To star in a video game with Connery, the original Bond, is incredible  (Girl Quotes) I was shy. Bookish. The kind of 13 - year - old girl who, instead of having a boyfriend, would have a crush on a dead, 19th century author!  (Girl Quotes) I used to get letters from girl reporters saying that their lives were nowhere near as exciting as Brenda’s. I told them that if I made Brenda’s life like theirs, nobody would read it  (Girl Quotes) I don’t even know what an ‘It’ girl is. As far as I’m concerned, an ‘It’ girl is somebody who doesn’t do anything except go to parties and get her photograph taken  (Girl Quotes) They had asked for me because they wanted a younger girl, but Mum asked if she could bring Kylie along because she didn’t want there to be any jealously  (Girl Quotes) I liked wearing the 50s wardrobe. It was hard in the beginning. The first shows I wore regular young girl dresses. Then a little later I got to wear the poodle skirts and such  (Girl Quotes) To go from Girl, interrupted, where I had to cry every day, to a TV show like West Wing where I get to laugh and joke around every day, has been a welcome relief  (Girl Quotes) When I left school I went on trip around the world - I only got as far as Australia, but like a bloody fool I cut it short because of a girl. It’s probably one of my big regrets in life  (Girl Quotes) A Gorean slave girl in the presence of a free man or woman always kneels, unless excused from doing so  (Girl Quotes) Perhaps it should only be added that the Gorean master, though often strict, is seldom cruel. The girl knows, if she pleases him, her lot will be an easy one  (Girl Quotes) I don’t remember having a crush on a boy when I was a girl. I don’t even remember my first kiss  (Girl Quotes) You should have seen me in my Catholic school girl skirt with my knees knocking together  (Girl Quotes) I got a Valentine’s Day card from my girl. It said, ‘Take my heart! Take my arms! Take my lips!’ Which is just like her. Keeping the best part for herself  (Girl Quotes) I always wrote; my first story was published in the magazine The American Girl when I was 11  (Girl Quotes) I don’t believe in email. I’m an old-fashioned girl. I prefer calling and hanging up  (Girl Quotes) I was technically a Valley Girl, even though I absolutely dreaded being called that. I really hated the idea that I was a Valley Girl  (Girl Quotes) Let me tell you who I am: I’m a girl from New Jersey who moved to New York and worked in a bar while trying to make a living at what I really wanted to do, which was act  (Girl Quotes) It Might As Well Be Spring... I used to sing that as a young girl in my voice lessons. Then I picked it up again and it spoke to me in a whole new way  (Girl Quotes) I’m the character actor in Hollywood movies, the girl who has to be annoying so the guy can go to the other girl  (Girl Quotes)
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