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Girl Quotes

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I constantly felt (as I suppose many an ambitious girl has felt) a thumping from within unanswered by any beckoning from without  (Girl Quotes) Celebrate the birth of a girl child by planting 5 trees in your village  (Girl Quotes) I’m not the girl for superhigh fashion because I don’t have the right body. When I want to get dressed up  (Girl Quotes) Even as a young girl, straight women loved me. Straight women like me a lot more than lesbians do. Isn’t that weird?  (Girl Quotes) A lot of the men were upset or jealous of me because I got the girl. Men are always trying too hard. When I effortlessly get the girl, it pisses them off  (Girl Quotes) Any girl that’s in a professional setting has to have a certain amount of decorum, but there’s always a different story going on, when she goes home  (Girl Quotes) I’m afraid I have to expel a rather ferocious hairball. You’re on your own, girl  (Girl Quotes) Perhaps one day I will be fortunate enough to be upset over how I misunderstood I am. A girl can dream  (Girl Quotes) I was not seduced by the celebrity side of acting. However, as a British girl watching a lot of American TV, I saw that there was a whole world of opportunity in the States that I wanted to discover  (Girl Quotes) A power that can’t be used for good? Like a bad girl power? I wouldn’t mind being clairvoyant, but I wouldn’t want it if I couldn’t use it for good. Peace and love, man. Peace and love  (Girl Quotes) One of the differences between boy gangs and girl gangs is for girls it’s much more relational and much less violent  (Girl Quotes) The most dangerous kind of girl involvement with gangs is one where the girls are just sort of hanging around the gang boys or even being part of the male gang  (Girl Quotes) My love is unique. No one can rival her, for she is the most beautiful girl alive. Just by passing, she has stolen my heart  (Girl Quotes) Taking care of yourself is a nice thing to do. It’s not seen as just a girl thing anymore. You see a lot more guys at the gym taking care of themselves, and I think it’s going to continue to grow  (Girl Quotes) I always felt more like a girl than a boy, I don’t know. Music was very important to me, movies were not important. I was not dreaming of becoming a film director  (Girl Quotes) I don’t trust a girl that doesn’t eat. I find that a little sketchy  (Girl Quotes) I wasn’t pretty enough to play the popular girl, I wasn’t mousy enough to be the mousy girl, so I never fit in. And so I’d get close, but I never got anywhere, and it was really painful  (Girl Quotes) Women have got to stop being polite. If I ever had children, which I don’t, the first thing I’d teach a girl of mine is the words ‘f - off.’  (Girl Quotes) I’ve always grown up as a tomboy and don’t see myself as much of a girly girl, but when the time comes, it’s fun to play dress up and embrace my femininity  (Girl Quotes) I didn’t want to do casting in a way that you find yourself in a situation where there’s this perfect girl for a part and you just can’t cast her because the family says no  (Girl Quotes) People who call me the Twilight girl and mean it. Please, pigeon hole me. That means I did it right  (Girl Quotes) In high school, I dressed up as every James Bond girl. I was a teenage Pussy Galore  (Girl Quotes) I like a funny girl. Smart. Talented. I like someone who is good at music - that always intrigues me  (Girl Quotes) When I was a kid I remember thinking, if I had a girl, I would treat her really well. Little did I know, they don’t always like that  (Girl Quotes) Next time I spank a girl during sex, I’ll say, this is going to hurt me more than it will you  (Girl Quotes) I can always tell when a girl comes from a good family because she’s what’s known as not at all attracted to me  (Girl Quotes) You can’t assume the best about people. If I get a girl home and she takes her pants off, and it looks like she’s got herpes, I can’t afford to assume she got stung by a pack of bees  (Girl Quotes) Teach one girl how to code, she’ll teach four. The replication effect is so powerful  (Girl Quotes) I don’t know if I’ll find the cinnamon girl. I think I already did, but I’m still singing, who knows  (Girl Quotes) More than anyone, I am aware of the preconceptions. I was a Spice Girl. I’m married to a footballer  (Girl Quotes)
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