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Girl Quotes

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If you have to ask yourself whether or not you love a girl or you love a boy, forget it. You don’t  (Girl Quotes) I was often the only white girl in the Indian dance class. That felt funny, but doing Indian dance was great  (Girl Quotes) I have, my whole life, been healing the girl inside, the part of me that struggles about being a female in the world. That’s why I write about the things I write about  (Girl Quotes) I am a girl, so I never looked at my dad’s body and thought that’s what I need to look like  (Girl Quotes) From a young age, my parents always told me and my sister how important it was as a girl to be more than just a pretty face and I think we’ve carried that message through out our lives  (Girl Quotes) I know every girl has her own form of beauty, its just a matter of discovering it and celebrating it  (Girl Quotes) I would never talk to a girl in a bar, like a pick-up thing. But I could talk to anyone if they wore a t-shirt of a band I like  (Girl Quotes) I’m always writing to a younger version of myself, or a young woman who is like I was. I want that girl to know that I really existed and that it all went down that way  (Girl Quotes) The Fun Girl video which was directed by Bijoux Altamarino really came out of her vision. I feel she understood the mystery, danger and power of the song and It really came through in the end  (Girl Quotes) I am a feminist, but I’m not an extremist. I know what feminism is, but I’m not all women empowerment, marching in the streets. I’m not a die-hard girl’s girl  (Girl Quotes) The best thing I’ve ever done for a girl hopefully is make them happy. Isn’t that the most romantic thing you can do?  (Girl Quotes) I’ve always wanted to do something where I aged a lot, went from young girl to dowager  (Girl Quotes) I listen to all sorts of things. I get kind of embarrassed with my iPod, because I am a top-40 type of girl; I am not the kind of person to introduce people to new music  (Girl Quotes) I just see me, an ordinary girl. I know my life is not typical, but I have tried to stay really grounded and true to myself. My family really helps me with that  (Girl Quotes) I’m not looking for a boyish girl. I’m looking for a boy. And I’m not looking for a girlish boy either  (Girl Quotes) I was born pretty lucky, an Aryan Australian, friendly girl, that gives you a lot of advantages in the world. I was unaware of people’s fights or struggles for equality. I was really naive  (Girl Quotes) My sister is 4 years older than me and I’ve always looked up to her, she was the girl I always wanted to be  (Girl Quotes) I’m not religious. I do have a baby - a four-month old girl - and that’s a religion in itself  (Girl Quotes) Part of the challenge of being a girl living in the 21st Century, looking back, the danger is to not judge your character by your own standards  (Girl Quotes) Music scores your life. You interact with it. It becomes the soundtrack to that one summer with that one girl  (Girl Quotes) It took me a long time to realize that being a girl is so much more powerful than being a guy, but I really saw myself as boy for a long while  (Girl Quotes) If you meet a girl who has slept with 100 guys, you will think something of her you wouldn’t think of a guy who slept with 100 girls  (Girl Quotes) Make sure your bathroom is clean. If you’re having a girl over the house for the first time, make sure your toilet is clean, not disgusting. Guys’ bathrooms are always the most disgusting thing  (Girl Quotes) I’m a farmer’s market girl, so if you go and get beautiful, fresh fruit, that’s local, and it hasn’t been frozen yet, it’s pretty fantastic  (Girl Quotes) Most women in leading roles are very boyish looking. The one girl working right now who I think is a real beauty in a classic sense - the only real 12-cylinder engine - is Catherine Zeta-Jones  (Girl Quotes) I guess I’m half traditionalist, half modern girl and I just never... I love the digital world and I love electronica and after I shoot everything is digital, but I just... I don’t know  (Girl Quotes) It’s not hard to get a girl if I wanted one. But it doesn’t mean you want it, and even if you did, you’re certainly not going to rub it in anybody’s face  (Girl Quotes) There was a girl I loved in high school - but never spoke to. Cut to my five-year reunion: I’m an entirely different person  (Girl Quotes) I felt like there was a void in the marketplace in girl groups. Musically, there is something truly exciting about harmonies in one song. A group has more to offer  (Girl Quotes) No one girl or woman deserves to feel like a vicious attack was her fault  (Girl Quotes)
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