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Girl Quotes

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You can write songs about your comic books and the girl or boy you sort of know and your mom and dad and it’s all right there in front of you  (Girl Quotes) But what I did know was that I loved a girl. And I knew I loved her in a way I’d never, ever recover from. I knew I loved her to the very core of myself. And I knew she loved me back  (Girl Quotes) Britney Spears is definitely my favorite past Candie’s girl; her campaigns were gorgeous  (Girl Quotes) I’m not the same girl I was five years ago. Hopefully, with the choices I’m making people will start to see that I’m not just little Gabriella  (Girl Quotes) Henry was thinking of the younger Holland sister of the way she could go from being an impetuous girl to a knowing woman in a few seconds and never lose the stars in her eyes  (Girl Quotes) At least she had a clear picture of what the Lying Game was now: Girl Scouts for psychopaths  (Girl Quotes) I suppose in John Kerry’s world good diplomacy lets the boys in the bar finish raping the girl for fear of causing a fuss. Okay, that was unfair  (Girl Quotes) People I respect complimenting me on my work in fashion is more exciting to me than anything I ever achieved as a Spice Girl  (Girl Quotes) I have a problem to do a collection that is a secondary line. I mean, you don’t want to be the stepsister. You want to be Cinderella. Show me one girl who wants to be the stepsister  (Girl Quotes) He’s just a boy who doesn’t understand what’s in front of him. She’s just a girl who doesn’t know how to let go  (Girl Quotes) The girl you call bitch today is the girl that used to be your everything in the past  (Girl Quotes) Fellas: The most precious gift you can give a girl is the gift of your time and attention  (Girl Quotes) A girl wants a guy who will come up and hug her from behind no matter who is watching  (Girl Quotes) Someone should sue disney for making every little girl believe that they have a prince charming  (Girl Quotes) The worst pain for a girl is when she smiles, just to keep the tears from falling, and sleeps, just so she doesn’t have to think about it  (Girl Quotes) Every girl deserves a guy that can make her heart forget that it was ever broken  (Girl Quotes) The girl you’re sitting next to you who smiles all the time is also the girl who cries herself to sleep at night knowing that she can never get you to notice her  (Girl Quotes) I think when guys send paragraphs to a girl when they know she’s sleeping is adorable  (Girl Quotes) Find the girl who makes you happy before you go to sleep. Keep the girl who has you waking up smiling  (Girl Quotes) I finally realized exactly who it is I should treasure, instead of the perfect girl that is too far, it is better with the girl that is always cheering me on  (Girl Quotes) A woman should know how to look like a girl, how to act like a lady, how to think like a man  (Girl Quotes) A boy was about to leave, but before he did, he gave his girl a dozen of roses. 11 were real 1 was artificial he told the girl, don’t cry I will love you until the last 1 dies  (Girl Quotes) When a girl is really feeling you, she goes back and reads the whole conversation again when it’s over  (Girl Quotes) Girl: Why are you following me? Boy: I was told to follow my dreams. You’re me dream girl  (Girl Quotes) Every girl deserves a guy who will treat her like she’s the most beautiful girl in the world, even if she isn’t  (Girl Quotes) Dont mind me I’m just a teenage girl with mood swings and a shield over my heart  (Girl Quotes) When a girl gives up, it’s not because she doesn’t love you. But she’s tired of getting hurt and feels like you’ll never care  (Girl Quotes) Before you hurt a girl, think about how your mom would feel if your dad did what you’re doing  (Girl Quotes) The best feeling ever is knowing that he could be with any other girl in the entire world, but he chooses to be with you  (Girl Quotes) If a girl sleeps with you on the first date, she’s probably not interested in seeing you again after  (Girl Quotes)
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