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Girl Quotes

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I’m sorry I can’t be that perfect girl you’ve always dreamed of. But I don’t know why I’m apologizing. It’s your loss, not mine  (Girl Quotes) Im the girl to make it real, the feelings you don’t dare to feel. I’ll bend the world to our will and we’ll make time stand still  (Girl Quotes) A real boy knows how to value a relationship. No matter how many girls come, he doesn’t care! Because for him, his girl is the best!  (Girl Quotes) Cute lines by a girl who fell in love: He stole my heart and I’m planning to take a revenge, I’m going to steal his last name  (Girl Quotes) Remember me and bare in mind a faithful girl is hard to find, this is always good and true, so don’t go changing old for new  (Girl Quotes) A girl has the right to show off her body, but keep your pride and dignity  (Girl Quotes) The hardest thing for a girl to do is to let go of the one guy she would do anything for  (Girl Quotes) A girl needs just three things to be truly happy in this world: someone to love, something to do and something to hope for  (Girl Quotes) If you cheat on a girl that’s willing to do anything for you, you actually cheated yourself out of true loyalty  (Girl Quotes) A guy could cheat on a girl 10 times and the girl would still take him back but if a girl did it 1 time she’d be gone in a second  (Girl Quotes) Ah, if everyone was as sensitive as you! There’s no girl who hasn’t gone through that. And it’s all so unimportant!  (Girl Quotes) Everyone says I should tell you how I feel. But its not that simple, I’d rather be your best friend than end up being the awkward girl with all the feelings  (Girl Quotes) There are 3 sets of words that can instantly make a girl smile: You are beautiful, I miss you and I love you  (Girl Quotes) A real man doesn’t need to romance a different girl every night, but romances the same girl for the rest of his life  (Girl Quotes) Less love, more sex, no calls, just texts, new girl, no ex, more sleep, no stress  (Girl Quotes) No matter how many times you tell a girl she is beautiful, she will never believe you if she doesn’t believe in herself  (Girl Quotes) A real boyfriend knows his girl like the back of his hand. He knows when she’s mad, sad, aggravated, happy, hurt, because that’s his girl  (Girl Quotes) If he loves you while he has another girlfriend, then he will love another girl when you are his girlfriend  (Girl Quotes) Anyone can see a pretty girl, but it takes special people to see an old lady and to be able to see the pretty woman she must have been  (Girl Quotes) Most guys are players until that one special girl comes along that makes them lose their game  (Girl Quotes) All a girl wants from a guy is love, honesty, trust, respect, caring, loyalty, and all of his attention  (Girl Quotes) I’m not a jealous person. I am just a girl that would love to punch every girl in the face that gives you a second look  (Girl Quotes) I may not be the most beautiful girl or the one with a perfect body, but I don’t pretend to be someone I’m not, I’m good at being me  (Girl Quotes) If your girlfriend gets jealous it’s because she’s faithful. If another girl has your attention and she doesn’t get jealous, it’s because someone has hers  (Girl Quotes) When a girl who has much to say says nothing, her silence can be deafening  (Girl Quotes) Not every single girl is searching, some are actually single and satisfied  (Girl Quotes) You’re the type of girl I imagine myself imagining myself with every night  (Girl Quotes) My momma raises a strong independent girl and I thank her so much for that  (Girl Quotes) You might be a fireman if you’ve ever said, she’s hot tonight and not been talking about a girl  (Girl Quotes) For every girl there is 3 guys: the one she wants, the one that wants her, and the one she’s settling for  (Girl Quotes)
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