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Girl Quotes

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A woman doesn’t want to be the only thing on her mans mind, she just wants to be the only girl in his heart  (Girl Quotes) The poor girl does not know how to have a conversation. Unfortunately, she does know how to speak  (Girl Quotes) If you just sit there and put your girl down you should be ashamed of yourself. Have fun losing a good thing you had when she’s tired of it  (Girl Quotes) Every girl has three guys in her life: the one she loves, hates, and the one she can’t live without. In the end, they’re all the same guy  (Girl Quotes) Once upon a time, there was a boy and a girl who both loved each other. Then a slut came along and ruined everything. The end  (Girl Quotes) When a girl falls asleep texting you, it doesn’t mean you bore her. It just means she didn’t want to end the conversation  (Girl Quotes) Instead of asking a girl how she feels, try looking through her recently listened to songs. The lyrics are the answer to all your questions  (Girl Quotes) If a girl has a wall up it’s because it was built. Brick by brick, lie after lie, heartbreak after heartbreak  (Girl Quotes) It’s not always physical beauty that makes a person attractive, it’s the heart that matters the most. The most beautiful girl you see becomes ugly if she has a rotten heart  (Girl Quotes) Every girl. Has that one conversation running in their head of what they wish hed say  (Girl Quotes) I just saw the most beautiful girl. Everything was perfect except for her hand. There was some dude holding it  (Girl Quotes) When a girl thinks of her future with her boyfriend, it’s normal. But when a boy thinks of his future with his girlfriend, he’s serious  (Girl Quotes) I’m the girl that always her phone in her hands, headphones in her ears, and that one guy in her mind  (Girl Quotes) I’m the type of girl that puts on her better smile, her better outfit, and better attitude and shows him what he left behind  (Girl Quotes) Being a real man doesn’t mean you sleep with 100 girls. It means you fight for one girl even when 99 others are chasing you  (Girl Quotes) If a girl leans toward you, kiss her. If her hand is free, hold it. If she’s upset, hug her until she is okay  (Girl Quotes) When a girl gives up, it’s not because she doesn’t love you, but because she’s tired of getting hurt and feels like you’ll never care  (Girl Quotes) When a girl is used to getting hurt, she won’t know how it feels when a guy starts to appreciate her, so she ends up pushing him away  (Girl Quotes) A little girl seeks revenge. A real woman moves on while karma does her dirty work  (Girl Quotes) When a girl says that she is happy for you and another girl, it means she is willing to be hurt while u’re happy  (Girl Quotes) Dating a white girl is like dating a black girl if she were really passive-agressive  (Girl Quotes) Nobody’s perfect. I may not be the most beautiful girl in the world, but I don’t pretend to be someone I’m not. I’m good at being me  (Girl Quotes) I know he’s a player, but I want to be the girl that he hangs up hes jersey for and leaves the game  (Girl Quotes) The most beautiful girl in the world, is the girl who continue to smile when everything is giving her reasons to frown  (Girl Quotes) Girl: I’m jealous. Boy: Don’t be jealous baby. Girl: Why? Boy: Cause you have something they don’t. Girl: What? Boy: My heart  (Girl Quotes) My brother takes longer than the average teenage girl to get ready in the morning  (Girl Quotes) Hi, I’m a girl. I run from guys that want to make me happy and fight for the ones that make me cry  (Girl Quotes) I’m the type of girl that can be so hurt but still look at you and smile. The type of girl who will brighten your day, even if I can’t brighten my own  (Girl Quotes) You had a good girl but you cheated on her, disrespected her, lied to her and neglected her. And you wonder why she left you?  (Girl Quotes) Every girl wants a guy who’s able to see through her unhappiness behind her smile and the reason behind her silence  (Girl Quotes)
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