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Girl Quotes

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I might have saved a little trouble for the next girl cuz the next time he cheats you know it won’t be on me  (Girl Quotes) I’d like to know how to catch a girl. I’ve caught frogs, I’ve caught snakes, earthworms  (Girl Quotes) Every girl deserves a guy who can make her smile even when she think she can’t  (Girl Quotes) When I saw you with that girl, that look you saw on my face wasn’t jealousy. It was simply me trying not to laugh  (Girl Quotes) I’m that girl that goes back to the same guy who doesn’t treat her right time after time. And I hate those girls, and I’m a hypocrite  (Girl Quotes) When a girl has a wall up it’s because it was built. Brick by brick, lie after lie, heartbreak after heartbreak  (Girl Quotes) I wanted you, but girl you had options and when you made me one you lost me forever. You had your chance but now it’s someone else’s  (Girl Quotes) I’m a girl. I overreact. I underestimate. I overestimate. I over think everything. I dream big. And when I say I love you, I’m not lying!  (Girl Quotes) I’ve noticed, guys are constantly bashing girls on twitter about their lifestyle choices. Remember this, you didn’t know your mom as a girl  (Girl Quotes) Pretty sure the average teenage girl spends more time taking pictures of them at the beach than actually enjoying it  (Girl Quotes) A happy man marries the girl he loves; a happier man loves the girl he marries  (Girl Quotes) Behind every strong independent girl is a dumbass guy who did her wrong and made her who she is today  (Girl Quotes) I respect every girl that falls asleep with their phone in their hand waiting for that goodnight text or call and waking up to nothing  (Girl Quotes) If a girl admits that she likes you, know that it took every ounce of courage in her to say that. Don’t take her for granted  (Girl Quotes) Nothing is more disgusting than a boy who lies and hurts a girl just to prove hes a man  (Girl Quotes) Once a girl starts showing you her crazy side, that means she loves you  (Girl Quotes) What every girl wants is a guy who cares, not a guy who’ll pay for her dinner and all her fares  (Girl Quotes) I can change from being pissed off to being happy but I don’t see it as bipolar I see it as being a girl  (Girl Quotes) Nothing’s sexier than a girl who will make the first move every now and then  (Girl Quotes) A man who is old enough to know better is always on the lookout for a girl who isn’t  (Girl Quotes) A girl once told me to be careful when trying to fix a broken person. For you may cut yourself on their shattered pieces!!  (Girl Quotes) I’m a girl but I’d rather hang out with boys because it is less drama  (Girl Quotes) Never tell a girl suffering or even recovering from a eating disorder that they’re gaining weight  (Girl Quotes) No girl ever falls in love with a boy unless she has a better opinion of him than he deserves  (Girl Quotes) Guys, if a girl asks you a question, it’s better to give her the truth, chances are she’s asking you because she already knows the answer  (Girl Quotes) If a girl is stupid enough to love you after you broke her heart, I guarantee you, she is the one  (Girl Quotes) In an era where being a bad girl is promoted and celebrated, I feel like us good girls are the true rebels  (Girl Quotes) Cheating on a girl is deeper than people realize. It destroys her outlook on love, her future relationships and peace within herself  (Girl Quotes) I’m tired of being the girl who falls head over heels in love with the guy who barely even stumbles  (Girl Quotes) Cute enough to make you look twice, sweet enough but not too nice, a lil crazy but not too wild, the kinda girl that’ll make you smile  (Girl Quotes)
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