Giving Quotes

Text Quotes
Let’s just say it and be done with it. Racing hurts. But here’s another truth: having put in the effort to prepare for a race and then not giving it your all hurts even more. The first kind of hurt goes away in hours or a day. The second kind of hurt can last a lifetime (Giving Quotes)
You just can’t beat slip covers for giving that friendly air hospitals need so desperately (Giving Quotes)
I am going in now for interior decoration. By that I mean supplying objets d’art and giving advice regarding the decoration of their houses to wealthy persons who do not have the time, inclination, nor culture to do such work for themselves. It is nothing new. Women have done the same thing before (Giving Quotes)
A male scorpion is stabbed to death after mating. In chess, the powerful queen often does the same to the king without giving him the satisfaction of a lover (Giving Quotes)
No relationship would be successful without a little compromise. If you can’t learn to do that then I’m sorry to say your relationship will never survive. Love is about giving and taking, it’s not just about smiles and kind words. Compromise is key (Giving Quotes)
There is a secret about human love that is commonly overlooked: Receiving it is much more scary and threatening than giving it (Giving Quotes)
When you have a true ambition for something, you will not give up hope. Giving up hope is a sign that you are lacking ambition to achieve that goal! (Giving Quotes)
When we work to end childhood hunger, we are giving our love to kids who need it so much they will never ask for it (Giving Quotes)
Interfaith dialogue is a must today, and the first step in establishing it is forgetting the past, ignoring polemical arguments, and giving precedence to common points, which far outnumber polemical ones (Giving Quotes)
For me, giving thanks is a sign of appreciation and gratitude that also brings about a deep sense of peace (Giving Quotes)
When people give you their stated reason for doing something always assume they are giving you a reason that sounds good, but not the real reason (Giving Quotes)
It’s not about finding your voice, it’s about giving yourself permission to use your voice (Giving Quotes)
There were times when I felt in a slump or lonely but I never thought of giving up (Giving Quotes)
Giving others the freedom to be stupid is one of the most important and hardest steps to take in spiritual progress. Conveniently the opportunity to take that step is all around us every day (Giving Quotes)
God probably thinks it’s worth giving a sense of humor only to those of us who have to laugh at all the rubbish bits that are wrong with us (Giving Quotes)
The only animal capable of giving man a fair fight is man. Actually, among ourselves, we fight unfairest of all, and the more we practice, the nastier we get (Giving Quotes)
Words ride on the energy of tone, its warmth or coldness; think of tone as the music of how words are expressed. You want this music to be soulful, whether you’re giving sweet talk or tough love (Giving Quotes)
I think I could totally be a gangster, but I could never be the kind of gangster that carries things out myself. I would have to be the kingpin that has my minions go and do the dirty bidding. I think I’d be pretty good at giving orders (Giving Quotes)
Love is giving up your needs for the sake of someone else, in some other words its sacrifice (Giving Quotes)
If you’re worried about giving your secrets away, you can share your dots without connecting them (Giving Quotes)
Everybody has got 5.5 liters of blood. I am just a human being. For me everybody the same. There are thousands and thousands of people suffering. What is the ultimate purpose of life? It’s to give. Start giving. See the joy of giving (Giving Quotes)
Designs are a revelation to me. It’s like taking something that is not alive and giving it form, shape, substance, and life (Giving Quotes)
It’s not about fooling somebody, it’s actually giving somebody a measure of their own belief: how much you want to be fooled. That’s why we pay to go to magic shows and things like that (Giving Quotes)
Everything felt fragile and freshly come upon, but for now, at least, my depression had stepped back, giving me room to move forward. I had forgotten what it was like to be without it, and for a moment I floundered, wondering how I would recognize myself. I knew for certain it would return, sneaking up on me when I wasn’t looking, but meanwhile there were bound to be glimpses of light if only I stayed around and held fast to the long perspective. It was a chance that seemed worth taking (Giving Quotes)
People sometimes pay with their lives for saying aloud what they think. In fact, one can even get killed for giving me information. I am not the only one in danger. I have examples that prove it (Giving Quotes)
It’s the curiosity that drives me. It’s making a difference in the world that prevents me from ever giving up (Giving Quotes)
I was constantly told and challenged to live my life as a warrior. As a warrior, you assume responsibility for yourself. The warrior humbles himself. And the warrior learns the power of giving (Giving Quotes)
Giving cancer to laboratory animals has not and will not help us to understand the disease or to treat those persons suffering from it (Giving Quotes)
When you most feel like giving up is when you most need to be keeping on (Giving Quotes)
What’s so bad about addiction? I can’t remember. Isn’t it something about giving up your freedom? Isn’t freedom an illusion? (Giving Quotes)