Giving Quotes

Text Quotes
Today I will practice healthy giving, understanding that caretaking and compulsive giving don’t work. I choose what I want to give, to whom, when, and how much. It takes time to learn how to give in healthy ways. It takes time to learn to receive. Balance will come (Giving Quotes)
There comes a point in time when you must know that everything you have already given or done is enough. This is not something anyone else can tell you. You must know. Giving without receiving doesn’t prove anything except that you know how to be taken advantage of (Giving Quotes)
Perhaps it is even a good idea to stir up a rivalry between conceptual and imaginative activity. In any case, one will encounter nothing but disappointments if he intends to make them cooperate. The image can not provide matter for a concept. By giving stability to the image, the concept would stifle its life (Giving Quotes)
There is much to be said in favor of modern journalism. By giving us the opinions of the uneducated, it keeps us in touch with the ignorance of the community. By carefully chronicling the current events of contemporary life, it shows us of what very little importance such events really are. By invariably discussing the unnecessary, it makes us understand what things are requisite for culture, and what are not (Giving Quotes)
And say, finally, whether peace is best preserved by giving energy to the government or information to the people. This last is the most legitimate engine of government. Educate and inform the whole mass of people. Enable them to see that it is their interest to preserve peace and order, and they will preserve them. And it requires no very high degree of education to convince them of this. They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty (Giving Quotes)
You can laugh at somebody because they are innocent, and because they are naive or they are about to walk into a wall, but if somebody’s giving you stuff, if somebody’s talking, giving you their take on things, what makes you laugh, generally speaking, is going to be somebody who is telling it in an angry way (Giving Quotes)
It is giving me a great satisfaction, because I had the notion that we could make great wines equal to the greatest wines in the world, and everybody said it was impossible (Giving Quotes)
This bored fantastic woman, with her animal nature, giving herself the pleasure of seeing her enemy struck down, not a particularly keen one for her because she is so weary of having all her desires satisfied (Giving Quotes)
There were some situations where I was giving up everything I had for the band and I just expected everybody else to feel the same way. I realized I was just kidding myself (Giving Quotes)
The human contribution is the essential ingredient. It is only in the giving of oneself to others that we truly live (Giving Quotes)
At this period the enthusiasm of the amateur was fast giving way to a more steady commercial instinct, and I let no opportunity slip of improving my position, but I felt that I was still labouring under the disadvantage of not having acquired some technical profession (Giving Quotes)
All of us are mad. If it weren’t for the fact every one of us is slightly abnormal, there wouldn’t be any point in giving each person a separate name (Giving Quotes)
The joy of giving is indeed a pleasure, especially when you get rid of something you don’t want (Giving Quotes)
It was kind of like they were just giving us a toy to play with, to do whatever we wanted with (Giving Quotes)
No man lives without jostling and being jostled; in all ways he has to elbow himself through the world, giving and receiving offence (Giving Quotes)
I know that I have lived because I have felt, and, feeling giving me the knowledge of my existence, I know likewise that I shall exist no more when I shall have ceased to feel (Giving Quotes)
And I don’t think I’m giving away any secrets here, but there are a lot of terrible scripts in this town (Giving Quotes)
Drawing is giving a performance; an artist is an actor who is not limited by the body, only by his ability and, perhaps, experience (Giving Quotes)
The fans know that I have been giving it my all and that we had the good judgment to when to say when (Giving Quotes)
What I gave I have, what I spent I had, what I left I lost by not giving it (Giving Quotes)
I love getting attention, just like a child loves it, and it’s never worn off. So when people say, oh the book signings go on, why would I shoo away someone who’s giving me attention? What part of standing in line for 10 hours to say how much they love you is bad to you? (Giving Quotes)
I’m very wary about giving advice. I think it’s very dangerous to give advice to people, except if you know them very well (Giving Quotes)
I haven’t written an awful lot recently, but I think I probably will start again very shortly. Being so much on the road, when you have a couple of weeks off, you’re likely to avoid sitting at the piano, and taping, and giving yourself more work to do (Giving Quotes)
The second is the structure and source of cults. They have always haunted me, and I wanted to explore the fundamental notion of giving up responsibility to an outside power (Giving Quotes)
In my mid 30’s, after a decade or so of giving full time to the music thing and finding myself with about $10 in the bank and no assets other than my musical equipment, I realized I needed to get serious about making a living (Giving Quotes)
What I feel I am doing now is giving to the people exactly what they paid for but never actually heard before (Giving Quotes)
The road to success, and by that I mean... The possibility of giving the best one has to the cause that one loves most, is not easy (Giving Quotes)
I had therefore, no hesitation in giving all the information I had, even though occasionally I tried to concentrate mainly on giving information about the results of my own work (Giving Quotes)
Up to that point I never really knew what my character would be expected to do, and prior to accepting the job I had actually turned down the role three times before finally giving in (Giving Quotes)
When you are joyous, look deep into your heart and you shall find it is only that which has given you sorrow that is giving you joy. When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight (Giving Quotes)