Giving Quotes

Text Quotes
Writing for me is a form of spiritual discipline and creative vision, a means of being in the world and giving one’s love to it without compromise or dilution. (Giving Quotes)
I think one lesson we have to learn is that there’s a lot more risk than we’re giving credit to, a lot more what economist calls systematic risk. (Giving Quotes)
At Al Jazeera, the first story I did was to sit down with a former Haitian dictator, Jean-Claude Duvalier, and grill him about crimes against humanity. Al Jazeera is giving me the opportunity to tell important stories and stories that I want to tell. (Giving Quotes)
Giving birth is priestess work; it requires a woman to pass through a painful and dangerous initiation in which she journeys to the threshold between worlds and risks her own life to help another soul cross over. (Giving Quotes)
I’m like, over love. Crush, smush. I can’t. I’m giving up on love at this point. I’m hoping for a crush. Actually, no. I don’t want a crush. I want someone to crush on me. (Giving Quotes)
I now have had my foggy crystal ball for quite a long time. Its predictions are invariably gloomy and usually correct, but I am quite used to that and they won’t keep me from giving you a few suggestions, even if it is merely an exercise in futility whose only effect is to make you feel guilty. (Giving Quotes)
I was sure we would never see the adoption of the Euro. Countries giving up their currencies for a common tender was, it seemed to me, completely out of tune with currency being a carrier of people’s cultural identity, celebrating national heroes and events, as it had been for hundreds of years. (Giving Quotes)
I was one of two first cultural exchange artists been allowed to go to the West. I knew it was such a rare opportunity and I had to treasure it by giving my utter most to achieve excellence. (Giving Quotes)
By giving our audience intimate access to the lives of musicians, we hope to raise awareness of the region’s beautiful cultural heritage and present a more nuanced portrait of its people. (Giving Quotes)
[Cultural relativism] licenses the envy of the untalented, giving rise to what has been called the revenge of failure: Those who cannot paint destroy the canons of painting; those who cannot write reject canonical literature. (Giving Quotes)
Every culture has some ritual for joining two people together and making them stay that way, and ours is giving tax breaks. (Giving Quotes)
The old Indian proverb holds true. Once you’ve cut off a person’s nose, there’s no point in giving him a rose to smell. (Giving Quotes)
I asked Secretary [Robert] Gates, what did they get in return for giving up the nuclear shield of Poland and the Czech Republic? And you know what his answer was? Nada. They got nothing. (Giving Quotes)
The Mongols consumed a steady diet of meat, milk, yogurt, and other dairy products, and they fought men who lived on gruel made from various grains. The grain diet of the peasant warriors stunted their bones, rotted their teeth, and left them weak and prone to disease. In contrast, the poorest Mongol soldier ate mostly protein, thereby giving him strong teeth and bones. (Giving Quotes)
If you get trapped in the idea that what is most important is what image of yourself you’re giving to the world, you’re on a dangerous path. (Giving Quotes)
I’ve had some dark nights of the soul, of course, but giving in to depression would be a sellout, a defeat. (Giving Quotes)
Take 5 is the practice if spending 5 minutes a day giving focused attention to your hopes for your talent. (Giving Quotes)
Growing Stronger’ emerged from a need to relate my life experiences as well as my constant struggle to prevail each day, and as a reminder to myself of the importance of never giving up. (Giving Quotes)
Clouds never get tired of giving rain to us; and you, you must never get tired of giving your love! Valentine’s Day is a day to remember to give more, to love more, it is a day to behave like a heavy rain! (Giving Quotes)
The web can be a fast trip to the library, giving you immediate access to a government report, or it can filter media for you, which is why I look at around 15- 20 of these sites every day. (Giving Quotes)
So there was President Obama giving his bazillionth speech on health care, droning yet again that ‘now is the hour when we must seize the moment,’ the same moment he’s been seizing every day of the week for the past year, only this time his genius photo-op guys thought it would look good to have him surrounded by men in white coats. (Giving Quotes)
Of the 22 industrialized nations of the world, we’re dead last in per capita giving to poor people. (Giving Quotes)
They were two lovely choices. One of them meant giving up every chance of a decent life forever...and the other one scared me out of my mind. (Giving Quotes)
Can we really believe that we are living a good life, an ethically decent life if we don’t do anything serious to help reduce poverty around the world and help save the lives of children or adults who are likely to die if we don’t increase the amount of aid we are giving. (Giving Quotes)
When my son was growing up, I was always guilty, no matter what I did. Make decisions and be happy with the decisions you’ve made. I tell myself, in the long run, it’s the love, the quality of relationships that you have with your family, your friends and giving back to the community that matters. (Giving Quotes)
To survive you must surrender without giving in, that is to say, fully accept the reality in all its horror and never give up the will to survive. That allows you to quickly adapt to the situation and dedicate yourself to the present moment rather than wallow in denial. (Giving Quotes)
The trouble with giving yourself a pep talk is, that deep down you know it’s all bullshit (Giving Quotes)
The value of friendship and just deep human contact grows out of giving (Giving Quotes)
When someone is giving you his opinion, you should receive it with deep gratitude even though it is worthless. If you don’t, he will not tell you the things that he has seen and heard about you again. (Giving Quotes)
You have been walking the ocean’s edge, holding up your robes to keep them dry. You must dive naked under and deeper under, a thousand times deeper. Love flows down. The ground submits to the sky and suffers what comes. Tell me, is the earth worse for giving in like that? Do not put blankets over the drum. Open completely. (Giving Quotes)