Glad Quotes

Text Quotes
I don’t think there’s ever a right time to have kids. I’m actually pretty glad it’s happened quite young (Glad Quotes)
Fatherhood is the best thing that could happen to me, and I’m just glad I can share my voice (Glad Quotes)
I’m so glad to be grouped with the men you’ve seen in rotten shape. My hope is that someday I will reach the pinnacle of that appalling list (Glad Quotes)
... Don’t feel sorry for me. I’m glad I had a second chance in life like you said to be smart because I learned a lot of things that I never knew were in this world, and I’m grateful I saw it even for a little bit (Glad Quotes)
My heart was full of softening showers, I used to swing like this for hours, I did not care for war or death, I was glad to draw my breath (Glad Quotes)
I’d like to be the sort of friend that you have been to me. I’d like to be the help that you’ve been always glad to be; I’d like to mean as much to you each minute of the day, as you have meant, old friend of mine, to me along the way (Glad Quotes)
The oversized chairs are white; the walls, covered with occasional landscape paintings, are white; and the plush carpet is the whitest of all. I’m insanely glad I didn’t bring a cup of grape juice with me (Glad Quotes)
I heard a bird congratulating itself all day for being a jay. Nobody cared. But it was glad all over again, and said so, again (Glad Quotes)
I’m not saying I’m glad it happened. Not exactly. But I’m not sorry to be the person I am today, and to have the life I have now. Even though it’s not what I thought I wanted for my future, a year ago, it is what I want now (Glad Quotes)
He was, she reflected, almost rudely like a tortoise; and she was glad her friend kept none as pets or they might have suspected mockery (Glad Quotes)
I’m surprised, but I’m glad, I realise that this is what I wanted that night last week, to simply make a connection and keep hold of it (Glad Quotes)
Although there are times I’d give anything to have her back, I’m glad she went first. Losing her was like being cleft down the middle. It was the moment it all ended for me, and I wouldn’t have wanted her to go through that (Glad Quotes)
Soldiers live. He dies and not you, and you feel guilty, because you’re glad he died, and not you. Soldiers live, and wonder why (Glad Quotes)
You know what it’s like. Sometimes, you meet a wonderful person, but it’s only for a brief instant. Maybe on vacation or on a train or maybe even in a bus line. And they touch your life for a moment, but in a special way. And instead of mourning because they can’t be with you for longer, or because you don’t get the chance to know them better, isn’t it better to be glad that you met them at all? (Glad Quotes)
If the mind’s not strong, the body acts weak, even if it’s not. If the mind says it’s too cold or too rainy or too windy to run, the body will be more than happy to agree. If the mind says it would be better to rest or recover or cut practice, the body will be glad to oblige (Glad Quotes)
If I were dead, I wouldn’t be sad, and I wouldn’t be glad, because I wouldn’t be (Glad Quotes)
Allo, darlin’. Oi’m so glad to see it’s love at first sight for you, too (Glad Quotes)
It is true that I had wanted to die, but that is peculiarly different from regretting having been born. Overwhelmingly, I was enormously glad to have been born, grateful for life, and I couldn’t imagine not wanting to pass on life to someone else (Glad Quotes)
It’s human nature to tear one another apart. Be glad you come from such a successful line of killers (Glad Quotes)
They hadn’t much faith in travel, nor a great belief in a change of scene as a panacea for spiritual ills; they were simply glad to be going (Glad Quotes)
Don´t hesitate or allow yourself to make excuses. Just get out and do it. Just get out and do it. You will be very, very glad that you did (Glad Quotes)
... there is something about everything that you can be glad about, if you keep hunting long enough to find it (Glad Quotes)
I’ve always considered myself a good person. I’ve never done anything to purposely hurt anyone. I was in shock that this happened to me, and because it did, I turned into this vengeful person. I’ve never truly hated anyone, but I was glad when I saw him lying there on the floor (Glad Quotes)
He has made me glad and no one can make me sad. He makes me shout and no one can make me doubt (Glad Quotes)
The world thinks that music is a commercial commodity. I’m glad that is not my code (Glad Quotes)
Holy shadows of the dead, I’m not to blame for your cruel and bitter fate, but the accursed rivalry which brought sister nations and brother people, to fight one another. I do not feel happy for this victory of mine. On the contrary, I would be glad, brothers, if I had all of you standing here next to me, since we are united by the same language, the same blood and the same visions (Glad Quotes)
I was always in the gym. People would look at me crazy because I spent so much time there. But that’s what it was about. I’m glad I did it (Glad Quotes)
History has taught us: never underestimate the amount of money, time, and effort someone will expend to thwart a security system. It’s always better to assume the worst. Assume your adversaries are better than they are. Assume science and technology will soon be able to do things they cannot yet. Give yourself a margin for error. Give yourself more security than you need today. When the unexpected happens, you’ll be glad you did (Glad Quotes)
I’m glad I don’t play anymore. I could never learn all those handshakes (Glad Quotes)
Talking about your troubles is no good. Eighty percent of your friends don’t care and the rest are glad (Glad Quotes)