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Glade Quotes

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Ye distant spires, ye antique towers, that crown the wat’ry glade  (Glade Quotes) The gorilla-slayer moved out into the glade. Massive, terrible, he was the personification of the primitive, the stone age. His mouth yawned in a red cavern of a grin; he bore himself with the haughty arrogance of savage might  (Glade Quotes) I tried to picture her in a class, any class, anywhere on campus, and failed miserably. I pictured her frolicking in a forest glade around some guy she’d just sacrificed to a heathen God. That image worked way better  (Glade Quotes) Meanwhile the mind, from pleasure less, Withdraws into its happiness; The mind, that ocean where each kind Does straight its own resemblance find; Yet it creates, transcending these, Far other worlds, and other seas; Annihilating all that’s made To a green thought in a green glade ... Such was that happy garden-state, ...  (Glade Quotes) The heart has a yearning for the unknown, a longing to penetrate the deep shadow and the winding glade, where, as it seems, no human foot has been.  (Glade Quotes)