Glamour Quotes

Text Quotes
I think this notion of acting and glamour is getting in everybody’s way (Glamour Quotes)
Glamour is when a man knows a woman is a woman (Glamour Quotes)
I am committed to glamour (Glamour Quotes)
Places of incredible glamour, possibility, power, excitement and pleasure. Love your libraries! (Glamour Quotes)
Every designer needs a story. Mine is all about glamour (Glamour Quotes)
Hollywood style means classic glamour. My reference is the 1940s through the 1960s (Glamour Quotes)
Glamour cannot exist without personal social envy being a common and widespread emotion (Glamour Quotes)
I’m just not very good at glamour... It doesn’t come easily to me (Glamour Quotes)
I advocate glamour. Every day. Every minute (Glamour Quotes)
The glamour of it all! New York! America! (Glamour Quotes)
Glamour is beyond beauty and beyond age. It’s like sex appeal. (Glamour Quotes)
Being in nature is very important to me. I’m not a glamour puss. (Glamour Quotes)
Like charity, I believe glamour should begin at home (Glamour Quotes)
Seeing through glamour is easy. It’s people that are hard. (Glamour Quotes)
Glam culture is ultimately rooted in obsession, and those of us who are truly devoted and loyal to the lifestyle of glamour are masters of its history. Or, to put it more elegantly, we are librarians (Glamour Quotes)
I don't think I could live without hair, makeup and styling, let alone be the performer I am. I am a glamour girl through and through. I believe in the glamorous life and I live one (Glamour Quotes)
The world is always full of brilliant youth which fades into grey and embittered middle age: the first flowering takes everything. The great men are those who have developed slowly, or who have been able to survive the glamour of their early florescence and to go on learning from life (Glamour Quotes)
One viewed the existence of man then as a marvel, and conceded a glamour of wonder to these lice which were caused to cling to a whirling, fire - smote, ice - locked, disease - stricken, space - lost bulb (Glamour Quotes)
Flesh could not keep its glamour, nor eyes their sheen. They would go to nothing soon. But monsters are forever (Glamour Quotes)
Fashion is a lifestyle, it’s a choice,it’s a freedom of expression.You have to live it, you have to love it. You have to breathe it. Life’s all about love and glamour (Glamour Quotes)
Today, people are more into the glitz and the glamour of everything. We don’t even read the inside of records anymore (Glamour Quotes)
Glamour is something more than what you put on your body. It has to do with the way you carry yourself and the impact you have on others (Glamour Quotes)
But by the time I was 40, everything was winding down. It started after the war. On the plus side, there was more more products and technology. But for me the nightlife was winding down, the glamour, the fun (Glamour Quotes)
I know people will think it’s funny because I’ve done glamour modelling in the past, but I felt embarrassed about my body and just wanted to cover it up (Glamour Quotes)
Something about glamour interested me. All my schoolbooks had drawings of women on terraces with a cocktail and a cigarette (Glamour Quotes)
If you’ve looked at all the glamour magazines lately, all the covers are actresses. If they are on those covers, they are going to try to emulate models. That’s just the way it is (Glamour Quotes)
Every time I am in danger of believing the glamour of my own press, some incident inevitably brings me back to earth (Glamour Quotes)
The tragedy of the civil rights movement is that just as it achieved the beginning of the end of racial segregation, white educated elites became swept up in the glamour of the sexual revolution (Glamour Quotes)
They think my life is glamourous. It’s not true. I obviously get to come in and do radio interviews. That’s the glamour. But other than that, I eat and sleep and that’s it. Eat, sleep and do shows (Glamour Quotes)
This business is about working. It’s really not about glamour. For me, the most glamorous thing about it is to b able to get on stage and perform my music for people. That’s the privilege. And that’s what all the work leads up to, and that’s why it’s worth it to me (Glamour Quotes)