Global Economy Quotes

Text Quotes
Our global economy is much more fragile than many of us realize (Global Economy Quotes)
No generation has had the opportunity, as we now have, to build a global economy that leaves no-one behind. It is a wonderful opportunity, but also a profound responsibility (Global Economy Quotes)
For me, when you put a MakerBot in a school, you add a manufacturing education to the environment where I think we can really empower the next generation to compete in the global economy. (Global Economy Quotes)
We know that the nation that goes all-in on innovation today will own the global economy tomorrow. This is an edge America cannot surrender. (Global Economy Quotes)
It says something about this new global economy that USA Today now reports every morning on the day’s events in Asian markets. (Global Economy Quotes)
China is certainly an important player in the global economy, and a widespread AIDS epidemic would threaten that growth. (Global Economy Quotes)
As difficult as it is to eliminate the risk of nuclear warfare, it requires fewer changes to the global economy than does averting or reversing climate change. (Global Economy Quotes)
In the emerging global economy, everything is mobile: capital, factories, even entire industries. The only resource that’s really rooted in a nation--and the ultimate source of all its wealth--is its people (Global Economy Quotes)
I don’t want the United States to be in a global economy where our economic future is bound to that of Zimbabwe. We can’t necessarily trust the decisions that are being made financially in other countries (Global Economy Quotes)
The global economy is spluttering back into life. The Tories would have left it to choke to death (Global Economy Quotes)
All the politics of the post-war period was about the clash between the Soviet Union and America, and virtually all issues ended up being subordinated to that. Now, the question is, what is the most a socialist can achieve in a global economy? (Global Economy Quotes)
In this global economy, no jobs are safe. High-speed Internet connections and low-cost, skilled labor overseas are an explosive combination (Global Economy Quotes)
Free trade, far from protectionism, is the path that we should take to make Latin America a thriving actor in the global economy. (Global Economy Quotes)
The American consumer, even today, the weight of the American consumer in the global economy is China plus India doubled. So, it’s tough to replace that (Global Economy Quotes)
By preventing pneumonia and other diseases, we are giving men, women and children the chance to live healthy productive lives and participate in the global economy. In doing so, we are not only enhancing their futures - we are enhancing our own (Global Economy Quotes)
The question is what will Mitt Romney do as president if his policy is simply to be hands off and let the government be made so small it can be drowned in a bathtub. In the 21st century global economy, no state alone has the ability to compete against China (Global Economy Quotes)
You know, I think of the global economy as an inverted triangle, resting on the shoulders of the American consumer. And if the American consumer cannot have enough disposable income in order to maintain a standard of living that creates more opportunities generation after generation, that’s bad for everybody (Global Economy Quotes)
In the ‘Nike Economy,’ there are no standards, no borders and no rules. Clearly, the global economy isn’t working for workers in China and Indonesia and Burma any more than it is for workers here in the United States (Global Economy Quotes)
Henry Ford was right. A prosperous economy requires that workers be able to buy the products that they produce. This is as true in a global economy as a national one (Global Economy Quotes)
Our view is that economic isolationism is the wrong way to go. Vibrant, successful growing economies that advance the interests of their citizens engage the global economy. And, we’re committed to engaging the global economy (Global Economy Quotes)
What’s going on in this country? Unions stand against those trends. We’ve got to somehow insulate the robust American economy from this global economy that seems to want to devour our standard of living (Global Economy Quotes)
My guiding principle is that prosperity can be shared. We can create wealth together. The global economy is not a zero-sum game (Global Economy Quotes)
Here in Australia we do get impacted by global economic events. But we should have some confidence that our economy has got strong underlying fundamentals (Global Economy Quotes)
If you followed this economic crisis and you do not think that the world is getting flatter, you are not paying attention. We saw the entire global economy at one time acting totally in sync. The real truth is the world is even flatter than I thought. Our mortgage crisis is killing Deutsche Bank. You still don’t think the world is flat? (Global Economy Quotes)
I want a trade that is not trickle-down trade, but trade that recognizes we’re in a global economy. (Global Economy Quotes)
The most pressing and significant problems in the global economy are unsustainable structural issues with regard to the E.U. - fiscal deficits and the structure of the E.U. itself. (Global Economy Quotes)
As from the 1970’s onward, digital code started to drive the global economy, now life code is beginning to be the fundamental driver of the global economy over the next 10, 20, 30 years. (Global Economy Quotes)
We’re in a tightening cycle and the reason is the economy is growing, there’s no expectation that the global economy and the Polish economy as a consequence could slow down dramatically. (Global Economy Quotes)
[Young people] are much less likely to express attitudes that defied us between us and them. They see themselves as part of a global economy that they can navigate successfully. (Global Economy Quotes)
It’s time to end the hypocrisy of those who accumulate wealth through the global economy, and then siphon funds to those who teach children to tear it down. (Global Economy Quotes)