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Global Quotes

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The reality is: By the time swine flu got on the radar screen of global public health, it had already spread. It was already in the States, it was in Mexico, it was in New Zealand. By the time it reaches that point, you’ve lost the ability to contain it.  (Global Quotes) I have been very encouraged by President Obama’s call to action on climate change both at his Inauguration and in the State of the Union Address. This is a global imperative. I also welcome President Obama’s intention to pursue reductions in nuclear arsenals.  (Global Quotes) Given the scale of issues like global warming and epidemic disease, we shouldn’t underestimate the importance of a can-do attitude to science rather than a can’t-afford-it attitude.  (Global Quotes) I think because we’re such a trading nation, I think Canadians understand that first and foremost we’re part of the global economy.  (Global Quotes) It is important to note that there exist vast gender differences in the global role of papillomaviruses in human cancers. This is mainly due to the role of this virus family in the induction of cancer of the cervix.  (Global Quotes) We are more capable of turning around our global health crisis than we think  (Global Quotes) Sooner or later we will reach a point where communitarian socialism turns global because capitalism is not even the solution to capitalism itself.  (Global Quotes) On the environmental front there’s concern about global warming and high levels of carbon dioxide, and trees take in CO2 and store carbon.  (Global Quotes) I am convinced that policies meant to reduce alleged carbon dioxide-induced global warming will be destructive.  (Global Quotes) I don’t like being called a denier because deniers don’t believe in facts. There are no facts linking the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide with imminent catastrophic global warming there are only predictions based on complex computer models.  (Global Quotes) ...there is no substantive basis for predictions of sizeable global warming due to observed increases in minor greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and chlorofluorocarbons.  (Global Quotes) In the head-spinning cosmos of climate change, everyday hundreds of people claim there are ‘thousands of papers’ in support of a theory, yet no one can actually name one single paper with empirical evidence that shows carbon dioxide emissions are the main cause of global warming.  (Global Quotes) There is a majority of scientists that say that global carbon emissions by humans causes some changes in the climate.  (Global Quotes) There is no question that global warming will have a significant impact on already existing problems such as malaria, malnutrition, and water shortages. But this doesn’t mean the best way to solve them is to cut carbon emissions.  (Global Quotes) The annual output of carbon emissions is 25 billion tonnes and Global Cool’s goal is to reduce it by one billion tonnes a year.  (Global Quotes) Ozone and climate are global issues, and it’s hard to find a way in which the benefits of shutting down carbon emissions are going to pay for themselves for any given power-plant, say.  (Global Quotes) I’m absolutely convinced that the very small global warming we are experiencing is the result of natural causes. It’s a cyclical phenomenon in the history of the Earth. The role of man is very small, almost negligible.  (Global Quotes) Global climate change has become entangled with the problem of invasive species. A warmer climate could allow some invaders to spread farther, while causing native organisms to go extinct in their traditional habitats and making room for invaders.  (Global Quotes) Some experts look at global warming, increased world temperature, as the critical tipping point that is causing a crash in coral reef health around the world. And there’s no question that it is a factor, but it’s preceded by the loss of resilience and degradation.  (Global Quotes) Romney has become reluctant to say that human activity causes global warming, and even in his greener days he was always somewhat cagey about which remedies he’d support.  (Global Quotes) National law has no place in cyberlaw. Where is cyberspace? If you don’t like banking laws in the United States, set up your machine on the Grand Cayman Islands. Don’t like the copyright laws in the United States? Set up your machine in China. Cyberlaw is global law, which is not going to be easy to handle, since we seemingly cannot even agree on world trade of automobile parts.  (Global Quotes) Central to America’s rise to global leadership is our Judeo-Christian tradition with the vision of the goodness and possibilities of every human life.  (Global Quotes) [When] the market is trying to get to terms with, first, lower global growth, particularly out of emerging markets and China. And, second, the market is worried the central banks have run out of ammunition. So put these two things together, and then investors are repricing the market lower.  (Global Quotes) The electric age ... established a global network that has much the character of our central nervous system.  (Global Quotes) It was cool to feel this global electronic thing happening. But it just got to be too much at a certain point.  (Global Quotes) The Global Poverty Project’s mission is to stand up for the world’s poorest people. We fight for the full funding of Millennium Development Goals and advocate meaningful change to government and corporate policies that block progress and entrench injustice.  (Global Quotes) Some people call it global warming; some people call it climate change. What is the difference?  (Global Quotes) Europe has found itself confronted with fresh challenges - challenges of a global character, the nature of which is directly connected with changes in the international climate and the difficulties of seeking new models for co-operation.  (Global Quotes) As difficult as it is to eliminate the risk of nuclear warfare, it requires fewer changes to the global economy than does averting or reversing climate change.  (Global Quotes) I think there is an enormous sea change happening in the global workforce. It has a lot to do with globalization. I think that people used to have a hope for a career or meaningful employment, and its been reduced to internships, part-time work or just grossly underpaid work.  (Global Quotes)
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