Glory Quotes

Text Quotes
I hate it when they say,?He gave his life for his country.? They don?t die for the honor and glory of their country. We kill them (Glory Quotes)
Distorted history boasts of bellicose glory... and seduces the souls of boys to seek mystical bliss in bloodshed and in battles (Glory Quotes)
Worship is living our life individually and corporately as continuous living sacrifices to the glory of a person or thing (Glory Quotes)
No system of education is complete that does not harden the hands and toughen muscles, while it is also develops the intellect and enlarges the heart... only through work do we attain the true symmetry, strength, and glory of godly manhood and womanhood (Glory Quotes)
Aging allows us to drop the baggage. It is only through life experiences that our incredible power can be brought forward in all its glory (Glory Quotes)
The glory of sport is born at the moment when the game and the person become one, when all the complexity of one’s life finds a moment to emerge in the game (Glory Quotes)
Behind all the years of practice and all the hours of glory waits that inexorable terror of living without the game (Glory Quotes)
An athlete experiences the emotions of pain and elation through triumph and defeat, through teamwork and individuality, as nothing more than a human being... that is the true glory of sport (Glory Quotes)
Lord, where shall I find you? Your place is lofty and secret. And where shall I not find you? The whole earth is full of your glory! You are found in our innermost heart, yet you fixed earth’s boundaries. You are a strong tower for those who are near and the trust of those who go far. I have sought to come near you; I have called to you with all my heart; and when I went out towards you, I found you coming towards me (Glory Quotes)
Sports can unite a group of people from different backgrounds, all working together to achieve a common goal. And even if they fall short, sharing that journey is an experience they’ll never forget. It can teach some of the most fundamental and important human values: dedication, perseverance, hard work, and teamwork. It also teaches us how to handle our success and cope with our failure. So, perhaps the greatest glory of sport is that is teaches us so much about life itself (Glory Quotes)
At first a small line of inconceivable splendour emerged on the horizon, which, quickly expanding, the sun appeared in all of his glory, unveiling the whole face of nature, vivifying every colour of the landscape, and sprinkling the dewy earth with glittering light (Glory Quotes)
Remember that if the opportunities for great deeds should never come, the opportunities for good deeds are renewed day by day. The thing for us to long for is the goodness, not the glory (Glory Quotes)
The best teams have chemistry. They communicate with each other and they sacrifice personal glory for a common goal (Glory Quotes)
The winter prepares the earth for the spring, so do afflictions sanctified prepare the soul for glory (Glory Quotes)
The patient man is merry indeed... The jailers that watch him are but his pages of honour, and his very dungeon but the lower side of the vault of heaven. He kisseth the wheel that must kill him; and thinks the stairs of the scaffold of his martyrdom but so many degrees of his ascent to glory. The tormentors are weary of him. the beholders have pitty on him, all men wonder at him; and while he seems below all men, below himself, he is above nature. He hath so overcome hlmself that nothing can conquer him (Glory Quotes)
Toil and risk are the price of glory, but it is a lovely thing to live with courage and die leaving an everlasting fame (Glory Quotes)
There are no idealists in the plant world and no compassion. The rose and the morning glory know no mercy. Bindweed, the morning glory, will quickly choke its competitors to death, and the fencerow rose will just as quietly crowd out any other plant that tried to share its roothold. Idealism and mercy are human terms and human concepts (Glory Quotes)
Poetry is a kind of magic that very few can create and even fewer can truly understand and appreciate in all its glory (Glory Quotes)
As fire does not give birth to snow, so those who seek honor here will not enjoy it in heaven... As those who climb a rotten ladder are in danger, so all honor, glory, and power are opposed to humility (Glory Quotes)
If time be a ring of gold, opportunity is the rich diamond that gives it both its value and glory (Glory Quotes)
The true leader serves. Serves people. Serves their best interests, and in doing so will not always be popular, may not always impress. But because true leaders are motivated by loving concern than a desire for personal glory, they are willing to pay the price (Glory Quotes)
I have the consolation of leaving your kingdom in the highest degree of glory and of reputation (Glory Quotes)
Pros like myself played football not for money or glory, but for the simplest reason: the love of the game (Glory Quotes)
Loyalty doesn’t seem to be in the game that much these days where players leave their clubs which made them the stars they are today either to seek personal glory or fill their pockets. But one man serves as the epitome of club loyalty (Glory Quotes)
Make every day special. Own it. Enjoy it. Bask in the glory of life. Appreciate the gift of your own life (Glory Quotes)
The greatest of all our human concepts is the immortality of the personality and the eternal glory of the human soul. Throughout eternity you will be yourself and I will be myself, with quickened senses amplified powers of perception, and vastly increased capacity for reason, understanding, love, and happiness, all of which are qualities we may develop now. Our machines wear out, our barns fall down, and our substance goes back to the dust, but our finest collection of personal qualities will have eternal life (Glory Quotes)
Each one of us is finite, and if we can spread ourselves out in a way to inspire and help other people to be all they can be, I think that’s so much more important than one person’s glory (Glory Quotes)
I wish I could say something classy and inspirational, but that just wouldn’t be our style... Pain heals. Chicks dig scars. Glory... lasts forever (Glory Quotes)
Movie acting may not have a certain kind of glory as true art, but it is damn hard work (Glory Quotes)
What better way to die? It’s fast and clean and you go out in a blaze of glory (Glory Quotes)