Glory Quotes

Text Quotes
Created half to rise, and half to fall; great lord of all things, yet a prey to all; sole judge of truth, in endless error hurled; the glory, jest, and riddle of the world! (Glory Quotes)
Glory and curiosity are the two scourges of the soul; the last prompts us to thrust our noses into everything, the other forbids us to leave anything doubtful and undecided (Glory Quotes)
All the glory of greatness has no lustre for people who are in search of understanding (Glory Quotes)
The glory that goes with wealth and beauty is fleeting and fragile; virtue is a possession glorious and eternal (Glory Quotes)
It is the glory and the merit of some men to write well, and of others not to write at all (Glory Quotes)
The glory of surgeons is like that of actors, who exist only in their lifetime and whose talent is no longer appreciable once they have disappeared (Glory Quotes)
When you have success, there is glory for all. With success and glory come great feelings for one another and recognition of one another’s contributions (Glory Quotes)
My race of glory run, and race of shame, and I shall shortly be with them that rest (Glory Quotes)
Many a man wins glory for prudence by seeking advice, then seeking advice as to what advice would be best to take, and finally following appetite (Glory Quotes)
Shakespeare... For gain not glory, winged his roving flight, and grew immortal in his own despite (Glory Quotes)
Through the turnings intricate of verse, present themselves as objects recognised, in flashes, and with glory not their own (Glory Quotes)
The glory of young men is their strength, and the beauty of old men is their gray head (Glory Quotes)
Literature, as a field of glory, is an arena where a tomb may be more easily found than laurels; and as a means of support, it is the chance of chances (Glory Quotes)
Work is not man’s punishment! It is his reward and his strength, his glory and his pleasure (Glory Quotes)
The road to glory would cease to be arduous if it were trite and trodden; and great minds must be ready not only to take opportunities but to make them (Glory Quotes)
Glory is safe when it is deserved; it is not so with popularity; one lasts like a mosaic, the other is effaced like a crayon drawing (Glory Quotes)
Our sins, like to our shadows, when our day was in its glory, scarce appeared; toward our evening, how great and monstrous! (Glory Quotes)
It is the crown of justice, and the glory, where it may kill with right, to save with pity (Glory Quotes)
Who pants for glory, finds but short repose; a breath revives him, or a breath overthrows (Glory Quotes)
True glory strikes root, and even extends itself; all false pretensions fall as do flowers, nor can anything feigned be lasting (Glory Quotes)
The glory of a people and of an age is always the work of a small number of great men, and disappears with them (Glory Quotes)
Plenty and indigence depend upon the opinion every one has of them; and riches, no more than glory or health, have no more beauty or pleasure than their possessor is pleased to lend them (Glory Quotes)
How do our philosophers act? Do they not inscribe their signatures to the very essays they write on the propriety of despising glory (Glory Quotes)
I add this also, that natural ability without education has oftener raised man to glory and virtue, than education without natural ability (Glory Quotes)
Freedom in a democracy is the glory of the state, and, therefore, in a democracy only will the freeman of nature deign to dwell (Glory Quotes)
Literature is an avenue to glory, ever open for those ingenious men who are deprived of honours or of wealth (Glory Quotes)
Through the sunset of hope, like the shapes of a dream, what paradise islands of glory gleam! (Glory Quotes)
The more powerful the obstacle, the more glory we have in overcoming it; and the difficulties with which we are met are the maids of honor which set off virtue (Glory Quotes)
All the gazers on the skies read not in fair heaven’s story expresser truth or truer glory than they might in her bright eyes (Glory Quotes)
To a father who loves his children victor has no charms. When the heart speaks, glory itself is an illusion (Glory Quotes)