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An athlete who tells you the training is always easy and always fun simply hasn’t been there. Goals can be elusive which makes the difficult journey all the more rewarding  (Goals Quotes) A decade is a long time to be doing anything, much less to be with the same guys, chasing after the same goals  (Goals Quotes) Connecticut’s first responders and defense workers work every day to help us achieve these goals  (Goals Quotes) Find something that you’re really interested in doing in your life. Pursue it, set goals, and commit yourself to excellence. Do the best you can  (Goals Quotes) Naturally, when one makes progressive steps, there may be some who see it as a betrayal of their goals and interests  (Goals Quotes) You must be passionate, you must dedicate yourself, and you must be relentless in the pursuit of your goals. If you do, you will be successful  (Goals Quotes) You’re forced to think about what your goals are and you clarify them because you’re taking this journey with another person and you need to be open with your partner  (Goals Quotes) If I feel I’m not influencing games, not scoring goals or making goals, then that’s the time I’d pack it in  (Goals Quotes) I’m competitive with myself, but not with other people. I set goals for myself. I don’t really care about winning or losing as long as I do my best  (Goals Quotes) Greatness is not measured by what a man or woman accomplishes, but by the opposition he or she has overcome to reach his goals  (Goals Quotes) A lot of companies make diversity a part of the performance goals against which an executive gets paid. Just as you have to make a certain sales number, you have to make a diversity number to get your bonus  (Goals Quotes) Every company, every boardroom in which I sit, has a plan, and they have objectives, goals, and a process. And to make it work, the pressure and incentive have to come from the top  (Goals Quotes) We have some real political differences among us, but we all share the same goals: clean air and water, injury free workplaces, safe transportation systems, to name a few of the good things that can come from regulation  (Goals Quotes) Computer languages of the future will be more concerned with goals and less with procedures specified by the programmer  (Goals Quotes) Don’t look over your shoulder and don’t use or abuse others to get ahead. Keep your eyes focused on your goals and keep working for what you believe in and what you want to accomplish  (Goals Quotes) I think that if people look deeply enough into their trading patterns, they find that, on balance, including all their goals, they are really getting what they want, even though they may not understand it or want to admit it  (Goals Quotes) Abortion and racism are evil twins, born of the same lie. Where racism now hides its face in public, abortion is accomplishing the goals of which racism only once dreamed. Together, abortionists are destroying humanity at large and the black community in particular  (Goals Quotes) During the past 23 years, I have set a number of goals for myself and I’m proud to say that these goals have been achieved  (Goals Quotes) Now I am ready to set new goals and start a new career for myself outside of the ring  (Goals Quotes) There is nothing wrong with dedication and goals, but if you focus on yourself, all the lights fade away and you become a fleeting moment in life  (Goals Quotes) I am a goal setter and I set more goals everyday. I keep lists of goals in my office to stay on track  (Goals Quotes) I just don’t want to be rapping forever. I love it, but sometimes you got goals for yourself  (Goals Quotes) Lives have been altered in fundamental ways, and later, after they acquire a more complete understanding of what goals are actually attainable, many are left facing a lot of pain and frustration. And yet, there’s no culture of complaint  (Goals Quotes) What gets left out is the narrative between the bullets, which would tell us who’s going to do what and how we’re going to achieve the generic goals on the list  (Goals Quotes) Chicago is one city. We shall work as one people for our common good and our common goals  (Goals Quotes) It’s the first time it’s happened to me and maybe the last. It’s a strange sensation, not normal for me. I can’t remember scoring three goals, even when I was a kid  (Goals Quotes) When I was playing football I never enjoyed it that much, I was never happy... if I scored two goals, I wanted a third, I always wanted more. Now it’s all over I can look back with satisfaction, but I never felt that way when I was playing  (Goals Quotes) Mission is at the heart of what you do as a team. Goals are merely steps to its achievement  (Goals Quotes) Freedom is one of the principal goals of human endeavor, but the best use man can make of his freedom is to place limitations upon it  (Goals Quotes) There is no sudden leap into the stratosphere... There is only advancing step by step, slowly and tortuously, up the pyramid toward your goals  (Goals Quotes)
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