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Goals Quotes

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Where are the people who don’t have goals headed? Those 97 per cent end up working for the three percent  (Goals Quotes) You tell your kids that no matter what, you set your goals and you go for them. Whatever it is you achieve, never give up. You want your kids to have that good attitude, the confidence, and the will power to believe in themselves  (Goals Quotes) I never try to set goals that I know are too tough to achieve or out of my reach  (Goals Quotes) One of my goals is definitely break into film, and I want to do action movies as well  (Goals Quotes) I see my goals as personal and I always have. That’s just been how I’ve worked  (Goals Quotes) Meditation will change your life for the better, enhance your physical health, improve your sleep, and help you achieve your goals, both material and spiritual  (Goals Quotes) The spread of feminism is the most spectacular, extraordinary phenomenon in the last twenty years, and I believe we will accomplish our goals in a million different ways  (Goals Quotes) I learned how to believe in myself. Learned how to set goals, you know, self help books man. I just read every single one I can get a hold of, and I still do  (Goals Quotes) Normally, when you’re working on something, there are other characters that you have alliances with, and you have unified goals with some characters  (Goals Quotes) It would have been easy to judge effort by how many hours a day passed while I was at work. That’s the worst way to measure effort. Effort is measured by setting goals and getting results  (Goals Quotes) For aspiring actors out there, I would say stay focused and don’t let anyone pull you away from your goals. Shoot for the stars so that if you ever fall short you can land on the clouds  (Goals Quotes) Any cause that requires mockery and abuse to advance itself isn’t one I need to engage with, regardless of my basic beliefs or agreement with the underlying goals  (Goals Quotes) My thing is just staying positive. Find that thing you love doing and dedicate yourself to it. You’re going to have to sacrifice a lot of things if you want to achieve the goals you want to achieve  (Goals Quotes) Every season is a new challenge to me, and I always set out to improve in terms of games, goals, assists  (Goals Quotes) It’s not about me, it’s about how I can help my team to achieve more. And I do that through scoring goals  (Goals Quotes) If you always think about your dreams or goals, work steadfastly towards them and continue to challenge yourself, you will definitely be able to realise those dreams or goals  (Goals Quotes) You have to have a dream, whether big or small. Then plan, focus, work hard and be very determined to achieve your goals  (Goals Quotes) I never have been an anarchist, I’ve always had goals and always have acted out of love  (Goals Quotes) Always set goals, and work as hard as you can. You’ll be amazed at what you can do  (Goals Quotes) I demand pretty aggressive goal setting and a commitment to measured progress towards those goals because I don’t like surprises. I don’t even like good surprises  (Goals Quotes) Building a better life for every child is a lot harder than becoming a world champion. Both goals take dedication and commitment  (Goals Quotes) Where there is peace, there is sports; where there is sports, there is peace. Peace is what allows us, especially young people, to dream, go after ones goals and prepare you for the next challenge in life  (Goals Quotes) As long as you are alive, you will either live to accomplish your own goals and dreams or be used as a resource to accomplish someone else’s  (Goals Quotes) Climbing is an artistic, creative thing; it’s about being spontaneous, traveling, seeing the world, hanging out. It’s a balance of setting goals while enjoying the process, being ambitious without being too competitive  (Goals Quotes) Sexual fulfillment goals, to make them happen, you have to work on them as a project. I don’t think it’s a bad thing  (Goals Quotes) Science has gone a long way toward helping man to free himself from the burden of hard labor; yet, science itself is not a liberator. It creates means, not goals. It is up to men to utilize those means to achieve reasonable goals  (Goals Quotes) Swimming is great because there are levels of goals. First, when I was four, it was making it to the other end and overcoming the fear of standing up in front of everybody at a swim meet because I was such a shy kid  (Goals Quotes) ... the place we assign to pornography depends on the goals we set for our own consciousness, our own experience  (Goals Quotes) Everyone who believes in freedom must work diligently for sound money, fully redeemable. Nothing else is compatible with the humanitarian goals of peace and prosperity  (Goals Quotes) Luck influences everything in life, but nothing beats setting goals and striving body and soul to achieve them  (Goals Quotes)
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