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Empathy requires something extremely difficult: accepting the fact that we are not and never will be in the other person’s shoes. There’s no rational, universal course because individuals have different goals, different worldviews and different experiences  (Goals Quotes) Essential to the attainment of these national goals is the moral imperative of ensuring social justice and respect for human dignity. The great biblical tradition enjoins on all peoples the duty to hear the voice of the poor. It bids us to break the bonds of injustice and oppression which give rise to glaring, and indeed, scandalous social inequalities. Reforming the social structures which perpetuate poverty and the exclusion of the poor first requires a conversion of mind and heart  (Goals Quotes) I don’t have any particular goals in making a recording. In a way the recording is itself the goal. The music comes into my mind, and from there the main job is to give form to it  (Goals Quotes) I knew all these people had the same goals I did, but the one that worked the hardest would come out on top. That’s what drove me all the time. But I had fun. I did better every day, and that’s what made it fun  (Goals Quotes) I knew what my times were and how my practices were progressing and how close I was to the goals I had set for the year. I swam hard. I always swam hard. If I didn’t, I knew I would pay for it either the next day or the next meet  (Goals Quotes) Just remember, you are not alone, in fact you are in a very common place with millions of others. We need to help each other and keep striving to reach our goals  (Goals Quotes) My back to the goal, physically fighting off defenders, trying to bang my goals in, every week I have to do the business for this club. That’s the life of a striker  (Goals Quotes) One item on my agenda is simply planning trips, setting them as goals, something to look forward to  (Goals Quotes) We’re still a great team. In your mind you can understand that but, emotionally, we needed to express the same belief. We came out full of fire and scored two early goals, two really beautiful goals, and that changed everything  (Goals Quotes) Our team has a lot of talent. I hope that soon we will break out with four or five goals and avoid overtime  (Goals Quotes) And I believe in having an administration that has clearly defined goals, objectives and time lines such that it and its people can be held accountable  (Goals Quotes) I love people who have goals. Somebody who’s passionate about life and does their own thing  (Goals Quotes) If I had one wish for my children, it would be that each of them would reach for goals that have meaning for them as individuals  (Goals Quotes) I like to tell young people to work hard for your goals and live in the moment  (Goals Quotes) I’m at a point where I’m going where the journey leads me. I’ve set goals but I don’t get really hung up if I don’t achieve those goals right away or in my time, you know what I mean?  (Goals Quotes) We as a people, as a state, and as a community, have too much promise, too much potential, and too much at stake to go any other way than forward. We are too strong in our hearts, too innovative in our minds, and too firm in our beliefs to retreat from our goals  (Goals Quotes) I haven’t accepted anyone telling me what is or isn’t possible and have just kept moving along toward my goals  (Goals Quotes) Life’s up and downs provide windows of opportunity to determine your values and goals. Think of using all obstacles as stepping stones to build the life you want  (Goals Quotes) I don’t think I ever set my goals that high. As a kid growing up I just wanted an opportunity to race and to be able to make a living doing it. It just came together  (Goals Quotes) Well, we have two major goals. The most important one is to get the station arm on board the station, because that’s this really milestone in the space station building since from now on they will be using this arm to continue building the space station  (Goals Quotes) When I look back, I’m definitely proud of what I did. It kind of allows me to move forward and reset my goals  (Goals Quotes) And, in the past, it has been all too easy for legislators to load costs onto business in order to meet broader social goals. And costs for business means costs for consumers  (Goals Quotes) My goal is the same, work like last year, play hard all the time. Try and score goals  (Goals Quotes) It’s important to score some goals and make the decisive pass for my club  (Goals Quotes) Given six months to live and being the fighter that I am, I set high goals for myself  (Goals Quotes) He cannot kick with his left foot, he cannot head a ball, he cannot tackle and he doesn’t score many goals. Apart from that he’s all right  (Goals Quotes) Typing up a detailed news post at this moment would not further the goals of my great society. Stay tuned for ideological update  (Goals Quotes) Generalized statements... Which instill nebulous fear without specific information are exactly in line with the goals of terrorism  (Goals Quotes) Man is a goal seeking animal. His life only has meaning if he is reaching out and striving for his goals  (Goals Quotes) If I’ve got correct goals, and if I keep pursuing them the best way I know how, everything else falls into line. If I do the right thing right, I’m going to succeed  (Goals Quotes)
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