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My goals are for the U. S. Team to get to the second round of the World Cup and to win a championship here in the U. S. With my club team the Columbus Crew  (Goals Quotes) While goals are chosen, a purpose is discovered. Our purpose is something we have been doing all along, and will continue to do, regardless of circumstances, until the day we di  (Goals Quotes) For me, the American Dream was to go racing; for others, it’s to pursue whatever their goals may be  (Goals Quotes) Then I want to beat Anthony Davis’ shot - block record, and I want to win National Player of the Year. I definitely plan to put the work in to accomplish those goals  (Goals Quotes) APA is another evolution in my career; they have unique vision and share my goals for the future. I look forward to expanding our horizons together  (Goals Quotes) I was born to score goals, I feel. How I score them - how I get the ball into the back of the net - might have changed. The actual ability of what I was born to do will never leave me  (Goals Quotes) If you look at football over the last 50 years there has been a gradual decrease in goals, you don’t see too many 10-nils these days, but two, three or four goals per game is a good spectacle  (Goals Quotes) A skilled Transition Team leader will set the general goals for a Transition, and then confer on the other team leaders working with him the power to implement those goals  (Goals Quotes) One of my major goals is to develop a web of the small Wyoming museums and create a major museum system. There are about eight of these museums, and they are all scattered  (Goals Quotes) The Girl Scouts is an organization that constantly gives you new goals to achieve and that’s what life is all about  (Goals Quotes) I love scoring goals for England and playing for England. That’s one of the reasons I didn’t retire - I love playing for my country  (Goals Quotes) One of the goals of the Feminist Elite is to reinforce to women the idea that men are obsolete  (Goals Quotes) The cooperation of government at its different levels is important and can only be achieved as long as the people of Chicago are directly involved in our efforts and supportive of our goals  (Goals Quotes) I hold the record now with Dixie Dean for being the only Everton player to score three Merseyside derby goals at Anfield. I still hope to better it. Things like that, the fans never forget  (Goals Quotes) If you don’t accept failure as a possibility, you don’t set high goals, you don’t branch out, you don’t try - you don’t take the risk  (Goals Quotes) I was a part of Backyard Soccer, and I hear that I score a lot of goals in it  (Goals Quotes) If you’re not doin anything and you don’t have goals and you got nothing to do then you might as well go jump off something, you just wasting the air  (Goals Quotes) Even before I started writing songs, that was one of my goals to be a writer, and I still have that goal. I’ve just gotten sidetracked  (Goals Quotes) Democracy is such a framework that everyone has the right to live their lives, fix their goals, their aims, their dreams and the ways to achieve them according to their own choice  (Goals Quotes) In features, one of the goals is to have the audience walk out, fully satisfied. In today’s world, it’s maybe wanting a sequel  (Goals Quotes) Extreme sport has only ever been about goals and the ways to achieve these goals. Adrenaline plays a part, but it’s never in the foreground  (Goals Quotes) Our goals should serve as markers, measurements of the progress we make in pursuit of something greater than ourselves  (Goals Quotes) Sure, Messi and Ronaldo have scored more goals than me. But I won the treble!  (Goals Quotes) I try not to have personal goals. Personal numbers is a mind-set. The only numbers I care about are in the win column  (Goals Quotes) A good leader sets the right goals, gets things moving, and helps us to discover that we already know what to do  (Goals Quotes) Often it is the means that justify the ends: goals advance technique and technique survives even when goal structures crumble  (Goals Quotes) I believe we are most likely to succeed when ambition is focused on noble and worthy purposes and outcomes rather than on goals set out of selfishness  (Goals Quotes) I think he’ll reach 1000 goals, but he’ll never overtake my total. (on 40-year old Romario  (Goals Quotes) Let’s start anew. Life is goals - Purpose-Attempts - Struggle-Dreams and Accomplishmenties. It sounds confusing (my fault), but it’s actually simple  (Goals Quotes) White people set goals, rappers ‘chase paper’, and the Chinese are too busy doing both to talk about either one  (Goals Quotes)
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