God draweth straight lines but we call them crooked

God draweth straight lines but we call them crooked
Horace Mann, often referred to as the father of American public education, was a firm believer in the power of education to shape the moral character of individuals and society as a whole. He believed that education was the key to creating a more just and equitable society, and he dedicated his life to advocating for universal public education.One of Mann's most famous quotes is "God draweth straight lines but we call them crooked." This quote speaks to Mann's belief in the inherent goodness and wisdom of God's design, and the tendency of humans to misinterpret or distort that design. In the context of education, Mann believed that God had created a clear and straight path for individuals to follow in order to achieve their full potential. However, he recognized that human beings often strayed from this path, either through ignorance, negligence, or willful disobedience.
Mann believed that education was the tool that could help individuals to see and follow the straight lines that God had drawn for them. By providing children with a solid education, Mann believed that they could develop the moral and intellectual virtues necessary to discern God's will and follow it faithfully. In this way, education was not just a means to acquire knowledge and skills, but a means to cultivate the moral character and spiritual discernment necessary to live a virtuous and fulfilling life.
Mann's quote also speaks to the idea that human beings are prone to error and misunderstanding. Despite God's clear and straight lines, we often perceive them as crooked or twisted. This can be due to our own biases, prejudices, or limited perspective. Mann believed that education could help individuals to overcome these limitations and see the world more clearly and truthfully.