God dwells wherever man lets Him in

God dwells wherever man lets Him in
Martin Buber, a Jewish philosopher and theologian, is known for his concept of the I-Thou relationship, which emphasizes the importance of genuine, authentic connections between individuals and between individuals and God. In Buber's view, God is not a distant, abstract entity, but rather a presence that can be experienced in the here and now, in the midst of human relationships and interactions.One of Buber's most famous quotes is "God dwells wherever man lets Him in." This statement encapsulates Buber's belief that God is not confined to sacred spaces or religious rituals, but can be found in the everyday moments of life, in the encounters between people, and in the openness and receptivity of the human heart.
For Buber, the key to experiencing the presence of God is to be fully present in the moment, to be open to the other person as a unique and valuable individual, and to approach each interaction with a sense of reverence and respect. When we engage with others in this way, we create a space for God to enter into our lives and to work through us to bring about healing, reconciliation, and transformation.
Buber's concept of the I-Thou relationship is based on the idea that true connection and communion with others can only occur when we see them as fully human, with their own thoughts, feelings, and experiences. When we approach others with an attitude of openness and empathy, we allow God to enter into our relationships and to guide us in our interactions with others.