God Is In Control Quotes
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Text Quotes
God is in control of every circumstance (God Is In Control Quotes)
I’m God because I have the power to control my mind (God Is In Control Quotes)
God has a plan and God is in control of everything (God Is In Control Quotes)
God in His perfect wisdom gave you power to control only one thing in the entire universe, and that is you. (God Is In Control Quotes)
Thank God for some Republican control of one branch of the government (God Is In Control Quotes)
Moses: God or crowd control?!? (God Is In Control Quotes)
God has given us control over one thing in our lives - our thoughts (God Is In Control Quotes)
If you want to control a population... give them a God to worship (God Is In Control Quotes)
Hope is some extraordinary spiritual grace that God gives us to control our fears, not to oust them. (God Is In Control Quotes)
A little prosperity and peace, or even a turn slightly for the better, can bring us feelings of self-sufficiency. We can feel quickly that we are in control of our lives, that the change for the better is our own doing, not that of a God who communicates to us through the still, small voice of the Spirit. (God Is In Control Quotes)
God is in control of all events and is able to protect and provide for you His child (God Is In Control Quotes)
God is the one that’s ultimately in control of everything. You can’t try to change things when they’re not meant to be changed. (God Is In Control Quotes)
If God created everything, he’s got a serious quality control problem (God Is In Control Quotes)
God has control over everything, and obviously, everything to everyone is god-given (God Is In Control Quotes)
Control the things you can control. As for the rest - God bless it all. (God Is In Control Quotes)
That friend, given to you by circumstances over which you have not control, was God’s own gift (God Is In Control Quotes)
Nothing is a surprise to God; nothing is a setback to His plans; nothing can thwart His purposes; and nothing is beyond His control. (God Is In Control Quotes)
God was in control, and I was just pliable enough to say yes to wherever He would lead (God Is In Control Quotes)
A woman may try to control the man. But God appointed man as the head of the family. (God Is In Control Quotes)
Learn to not live in fears and worries over your obstacles, because they don’t control your destiny, God does. (God Is In Control Quotes)
I don’t have control over everything; God has control over everything and I trust him, so I don’t worry. (God Is In Control Quotes)
I think I’m lovable. That’s the gift God gave me. I don’t do anything to be lovable. I have no control. (God Is In Control Quotes)
Man kept control over the machines he created, I wish God would have done the same with the man he created. (God Is In Control Quotes)
When I was younger, I thought you had to be in control of your own life. That takes a lot of discipline, hard work and focus. You just can’t let it all fall by the wayside. Later on, I learned that God is really in control of everything. But you still have to put your best foot forward and be the best you can possibly be. (God Is In Control Quotes)
There are a lot of times that we feel like our hands are tied - ‘I have no control over if I’m going to lose my job.’ ‘I have no control over if I’m going to be able to pay my bills.’ You’ve got to realize that that’s where your trust comes in. You have to trust God, and keep your hope, because your hope is what produces your faith. (God Is In Control Quotes)
God is in control, and therefore in EVERYTHING I can give thanks - not because of the situation but because of the One who directs and rules over it. (God Is In Control Quotes)
The Christian life is one of faith, where we find ourselves routinely overdriving our headlights but knowing it’s okay because God is in control and has a purpose behind it. (God Is In Control Quotes)
Catholic Church reasserts its moral authority on contraception: If God believed in birth control, altar boys would have a uterus. (God Is In Control Quotes)
The most important lesson that I have learned is to trust God in every circumstance. Lots of times we go through different trials and following God’s plan seems like it doesn’t make any sense at all. God is always in control and he will never leave us (God Is In Control Quotes)
You may be leading, then you might be at the back of the pack trying to work your way up. It’s just a constant reminder not to give up, and to know that God, in my mind, is really in control (God Is In Control Quotes)
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