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God Quotes

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Text Quotes
God enters our lives when through our creative interchanges we make history more just  (God Quotes) God cannot catch us. Unless we stay in the unconscious room. Of our hearts  (God Quotes) God is gracious beyond the power of language to describe  (God Quotes) God loveth adverbs; and cares not how good, but how well  (God Quotes) God alone is real, and all else is illusion  (God Quotes) God is what’s good in me  (God Quotes) God is going to ask you the same question every day. Do you trust him?  (God Quotes) God promises to make the vale of trouble a door of hope  (God Quotes) God is a tremendous supporter of creation, especially of all living beings  (God Quotes) God is not interested in our spiritual life. He’s interested in our life  (God Quotes) God is not bothered by your persistence. Keep asking  (God Quotes) God has a university. It’s a small school. Few enroll; even fewer graduate  (God Quotes) God commands you to pray, but forbids you to worry  (God Quotes) God uses rescued people to rescue people  (God Quotes) I have discovered an astonishing truth. God is attracted to weaknesses  (God Quotes) God has arranged everything in the universe in consideration of everything else  (God Quotes) Laughter at oneself is always proof that God has healed us in the touchy places!  (God Quotes) God used words to create this planet, so be careful with them  (God Quotes) Satan labels you. God names you  (God Quotes) Monotheism begins with a God who hates trees  (God Quotes) God spent a little too much time on my nose  (God Quotes) God has called each one of us to embrace life, not merely to endure it  (God Quotes) God has been with me in my whole career  (God Quotes) People crave a conspiracy for the same reason they crave a god  (God Quotes) Here’s the thing about people who believe in God... They’re idiots  (God Quotes) God built the world, but he did not know it was round  (God Quotes) God transforms us one area at a time  (God Quotes) God has a way of making the most miserable things... Beauti ful  (God Quotes) God made saints out of far worse people than you  (God Quotes) God promises to meet our needs, not our greeds  (God Quotes)
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