God Quotes
Text Quotes
God bless the child that’s got his own (God Quotes)
God is triune, and it is as triune that he is so good and desirable (God Quotes)
God is good all the time. Every time (God Quotes)
God is not an obligation or burden. God is the joy of my life! (God Quotes)
I have been given nothing. God makes men what they are (God Quotes)
Pray to God someone prays for me (God Quotes)
God made me a singer, and I just sang (God Quotes)
God will give you more knowledge about yourself than you could ever think to know (God Quotes)
They want explanation, not faith; God gives them faith as the explanation (God Quotes)
God sometimes takes us into troubles waters not to drown us, but to cleanse us (God Quotes)
Oh my God will you shut the front door already! (God Quotes)
God must have something to do with joy... and with sadness (God Quotes)
If man cannot, what God dare claim perfection? (God Quotes)
A human feast is an indifferent morsel to a god (God Quotes)
God is that, the greater than which cannot be conceived (God Quotes)
God it’s good to be here walkin together, my friend (God Quotes)
God! I loove this city! (God Quotes)
God creates the world anew in each moment (God Quotes)
God created the world, but it is the devil who keeps it going (God Quotes)
... even the devil works for God (God Quotes)
God is looking for nobodies who will become somebodies in his hands (God Quotes)
God comes first. Paradise is not cheap (God Quotes)
God forbid we keep a couple secrets in this day and age! (God Quotes)
God has never made a mistake. Ever (God Quotes)
God knows there’s a heaven (God Quotes)
God loves and delights to cross worldly proverbs and worldly craft (God Quotes)
God is conscience. He is even the atheism of the atheist (God Quotes)
God loves you and everything about you, so why beat up on your precious self? (God Quotes)
One nationality supresses another. One religion claimsto be the exclusive way to truth or God (God Quotes)
The root cause of anxiety is a failure to trust all that God has promised (God Quotes)